Preparing For The Crisp Bite of Winter Weather

Chances are you are already feeling the crisp bite of winter. Most northern states have already been feeling the bite of winter, while areas of the south can expect a mild winter. No matter how mild, or rough your winter is in your area it is important to be prepared for unexpected emergencies. Cellphones have made calling for help easier but there are times when cellphone lines are not accessible and can not be counted on 100% of the time. Not only should your home be prepared but also your workplace, and car.

Traveling even short distances can be dangerous in the winter. Frozen bridges, black ice, and erratic drivers can make the roadway unsafe. If your car were to be stranded would you be prepared to sit in you car possibly overnight. Even in populated areas a storm can cut you off from help. There are several items that can be placed in your car trunk to be used in case of an emergency this winter:

A flashlight with batteries – There are flashlights on the market with flashers and radios that can be used to make a stranded vehicle visible in bad weather.
Gallon of water
Toilet paper
Change of clothes with some toiletries

If you are a policeman, nurse, or any other type of public service person you may be depended on to work in less than idea situations. There are several items that can be useful if you get stranded at work. Remember all the items in the truck of your car because they can be used now as well. If you do not have a car then find a locker, or desk drawer where you can stow a few items until winter is over.

Several 20oz. bottles of water
Toothbrush with paste
Change of Clothing
Ramien Noodles or Lipton Cup of Soup is good because it can be made with hot water from a coffee pot if necessary.
Lean Cuisine with your name written on them in the break room freezer. I would only take frozen dinners when I anticipate bad weather so as not to take all the room up in the freezer or tempt those folks that like to eat someone else’s lunch.

Most of us feel safe at home but sometimes we make poor decisions that can cause harm to us and others. Many people use unsafe, unvented heat sources during the winter or when electricity is off for an extended period of time. Carbon Monoxide is a silent killer and can be very dangerous.

Carbon Monoxide/Smoke Detector
Bottled water
Canned Food
Heat Alternative. If you are all electric it might benefit you to have a small butane or natural gas heater for your bathroom or living room. Just have a small amount of gas delivered before winter comes and it should last a long time if it is the only thing running on gas. In rural areas a wood stove is an easy heat alternative.

Being prepared is the smart thing to do. Assess the area you live in and base your planning on weather conditions where you live.

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