Preparing for Deployment: A Guide for the Reservist Spouse

When it comes to a military deployment the families of a Reservist faces some extraordinary challenges. While all military spouses have certain issues they all face. It seems everything is made just a bit more difficult for the Reservist Spouse.
While most in the regular military already have their affair in order for a potential deployment most Reservists do not. There are many things that are not handled until last minute that should be done long before any whispers of mobilization are ever heard.
The military is huge on paperwork and if your spouse is deployed you will need a certain things in order to continue your own life with as little stress as possible.
Power Of Attorney For Your Soldier
This is a must for all soldiers. Most married soldiers turn over the running of their day to day lives to their spouse and granted, most couples have joint accounts, joint loans and joint mortgages but there are still little things that can quickly become big things that you will find yourself dealing with if you don’t have that power of attorney. Many have extended families and child custody matters. If the biological parent is unable to fend for themselves in the courts then it is up to the person they have designated with their power of attorney. This also gives the holder the ability to discuss financial matters with loans companies and protect the rights of your soldier.
Medical Power Of Attorney For The Spouse
Many military spouses will find themselves very alone during a deployment. While you may be surrounded by good friends, do you have family near enough that can sign for medical treatment if you are injured in a car accident and unable to decide for yourself? If you don’t have next of kin nearby you should consider whom you would trust enough to make decisions about your quality of life if you are unable to do this for yourself.
Both forms of power of attorney can be obtained and filled out by your JAG office.
Do keep in mind the military does not simply “give” any spouse of child of a soldier their medical insurance. You must fill out the paperwork and send it in as soon as your soldier is deployed. If you do not, you will not be covered. This is one of the few things that can’t be done in advance.
Life insurance is another matter. The military offers life insurance on both the soldier and the spouse at a minimal cost. This can be obtained and taken directly out of the check every month. For most to cover both soldier and spouse it is under thirty dollars per month.
Know Where Important Paperwork Is Located
You never know what you will need and you can count on needing it when your soldier is not in contact with you. Locate and put all important papers in a place that you can find them at a moments notice. Do not wait until you need it as by then you may be too late.
Keep a file that contains the following:
Marriage License
Divorce decree/child custody and support paperwork
Mobilization orders when the time comes
Mortgage and loan agreements
Insurance information- both life insurance and medical
If you are prepared for the deployment of your spouse in advance you will be able to spend the last few weeks cherishing the time you have left with one another instead of running around taking care of things that you could have dealt with earlier. The last days go by in something of a blur; don’t waste that time filling out forms.