Preparing for a Natural Disaster: Survival Tips

Eliminate candles as your alternative lighting source. While they are fine for decorative purposes, they can cause problems during an emergency. You need to be prepared for the possibility of gas leaks. Candles and matches can spark an explosion in such cases. Always have several different sized flashlights with plenty of batteries on hand. Also, consider battery operated lamps and reading lights.
Keep in mind that if the weather is really severe, you may not have access to a television. Local stations tend to go out during even the slightest onset of nasty weather. Always have a battery operated storm radio. Also, remember that emergency sirens either may not be in place in your city or they may not always go off. It is best to secure your own method of being informed on the weather situation, without having any dependence on systems that are likely to be misinterpreted or that may not warn you at all.
While having canned or dry foods and water are always remembered by most, do not forget to have extra food and water for your pets, as well. If something were to go wrong with your tap water supply, you would need to have several gallons of water ready for your pets. Also, severe storms can make keeping a store open impossible, so you will need to have extra food available for Fido in the event that making a quick run to your local supermarket isn’t an option. Another helpful option is to have chew toys and delicious bones on hand to keep your pet occupied, as he is likely to be more nervous than you during such a situation and will need to be distracted.
Finally, be aware that obvious signs such as heavy rain and lightning are not always there to warn of oncoming dangers. For example, the Southeastern United States was recently ravished with devastating tornadoes, many of which were not accompanied with heavy rains. Most described the scene as being quiet and calm before unexpected twisters came darting from the skies. It is best to be on guard at all times, especially if you are under a tornado watch, as conditions may be favorable for unexpected disasters.