Pres. Bush Uses Profanity and Reporters Are Up in Arms but Completely Ignore HIs Simplistic Approach to Diplomacy

No one ever accused Pres. Bush of being a deep thinker or of approaching complex problems with a complex answer. Apparently that is why all those reporters up in arms over Bush’s uses of a profanity routinely heard in even fifth grade classrooms completely overlooked the rest of the words that Bush was speaking. The violent struggles in the Middle East have their roots in millennia of distrust and misunderstanding. And what is Pres. Bush’s response to solving this problem? Getting the UN Sec. General to call up Syria and tell them to “make something happen.”
Wow. Now, why didn’t anyone else think of that? It’s so elegant in its simplicity.
Here we have the President of the United States placing his full confidence in Kofi Annan to get Syria to place pressure on Hezbollah to stop attacking Israel. Remember now, this is the same Kofi Annan that Pres. Bush ignored and belittled throughout his process to create a justification for invading Iraq.
I don’t care if Pres. Bush uses nothing but four letter words. The sad fact is that as far as diplomatic policy goes, a string of profanities would have as much depth as anything else he ever says.