President Chavez Spews Venom

John Bolten, the US Ambassador to the United Nations said that the speech showed “what kind of man” Chavez is. He responded to the speech by saying that the administration would “not address this sort of comic-strip approach to international affairs.” U.S. Officials have said that Chavez is undermining democracy in his own country and encouraging an aggression towards the United States, andÃ?¯Ã?¿Ã?½throughout Latin America. The sentiment that President Chavez expressed is felt by a very small minority, but the voice that it has given to that small minority is ringing loudly as it bellowed from the United Nations stage.
The Venezuelan elections will be held in December. Tom Casey, the US State Department spokesman, said “I’ll leave it to the Venezuelan people to determine whether President Chavez ….presented them in a way they would have liked to be seen.”