Presidential Candidates for 2008

It is well known that almost half of the country doesn’t like President Bush. It is debatable whether he really won his first election and he barely won re-election. However, we are in the year 2006 and does anyone know the frontrunner for president in the year 2008? Lets analyze the field of candidates and I will give you two dark horse candidate if you will who should run for president and would win in a landslide but might not run for president. And the contestants are:
For the Republicans the leader right now is Senator John McCain. He ran in the primary against Bush but didn’t have the support of the strong conservatives in his party. McCain is a conservative Republican with moderate roots and I think he would be a great choice for president. He is a candidate who could really unite the country with his moderate positions, something the country desperately needs at a time when the nation is divided along north-south lines.
A surprise candidate who might not run for president but definitely should is former mayor is New York City, Rudy Giuliani. In a weak field of possible candidates, Giuliani is just the candidate who can gain enough support to win. As a Republican candidate he would defiantly win the state of New York, a democratic stronghold since he was loved and revered by most people in New York as a mayor for eight years. He fought corruption and poverty and made New York City one of the best cities in the countries. He fought crime and made New York City a leading city in prevention of lowering of crime. As a Republican candidate he could win votes in the solid voting Southern states and win the election. He has moderate roots and could sway undecided votes. He is a strong candidate unafraid of a fight from Congress or any politician or country. He is intelligent and could definitely head our country in the right direction. He also has kept political ties by support President George Bush in his war on terror and actively has talks with the president.
Another dark horse candidate is Donald Trump. I know some people might laugh but if you just think about it he would be a great candidate. Our nation’s debt keeps spiraling upwards each day and our economy isn’t that strong right now. There is speculation that Japan and China might stop their currency tie to the U.S. dollar and instead to the Euro currency. Donald Trump could handle the U.S. as a business and really improve our economy. In every task he has accomplished he has succeeded in. Critics could point to his lack of political experience but I don’t think it would be a problem since he would surround himself with the best and brightest advisors available just like he has surrounded himself in his business with M.I.T., Harvard, and other Ivy League school graduates who are the brightest in business and finance. He could probably win New York with his roots in New York and could win votes in the South as well. The only problems I see that Giuliani or Trump could run into if they run for president is gaining enough support in the primaries from strong conservatives who might not like some of their moderate positions.
Getting to an extremely weak Democratic field we have John Kerry who lost to President Bush in the previous election and is a current Senator from Massachusetts. In my opinion he would be a horrible candidate. If he can’t even beat George Bush, he has no chance of winning the Presidency against much stronger Republican field this time. He has a reputation as a flip flopper and did not take a hard stance against the Republicans on the war in Iraq or the Republican methods of stripping away democratic freedoms. There has been story after story of people being dragged off and not being heard of again for months or years after being suspected of terrorist activity. Kerry is not a strong candidate and I do not see him standing up to a Republican Congress.
The final Democratic candidate is Hillary Clinton. Aside from the feminist issues that some people in this country have of making a woman president, I do no see her even gaining one southern state because of her strong democratic positions. It would be extremely tough to win the presidency as a Democrat, coupled with the fact that she would be making history in becoming the first woman to be president.
This list of presidential candidates for 2008 will definitely change before serious election talks heat up. However, in a weak field of candidates, it is anyone’s race to win.