Press and Seal Wrap Magic

Press and Seal, a Nifty Necessity

Do you want fresher cheese and no freezer-burn on your meats? Do you want to cover a dish securely before storing it in your refrigerator? Well come along on this wrap journey and discover the perfect invention. Learn about the most important invention in the last twenty years. You have to love it. An invention that actually works!

First came wax paper, a gummy, difficult to manipulate little wonder on a roll. That was once a brand new invention and no home was without a roll. Wives used it to wrap lunch sandwiches, wrap meat for the freezer. It was also great for the craft of leaf-keeping. There must be a million leaves or flowers preserved in wax paper and tucked into the pages of an old diary or Bible.

If some beau gave you a flower, you put it between a two sides of a folded piece of wax paper and ironed it. The heat melted the was paper around the flower and preserved it for posterity.

Along down the line came plastic wrap. This bold new advance in wrapping would make life easier for the American house wife. That’s why aerobics were never necessary in the fifties…you wrestled with the wrap, trying to make it stay around bowls and food. A roll of duct tape would have been handy to have. Most of the wraps were static laden and refused to bond with anything in their vicinity.

Of course, due to American ingenuity wraps improved over time. Along came freezer and storage plastic bags and cling wraps. However, there is a sneaky little thing that works its way under most wraps…it is called air. Air can be deadly to stored foods. For instance, a plastic bag, even after ‘burped’ leaves a lot of room for air. Foil wraps also let in air to burn food or allow it to spoil in containers.

Then I began to hear about something called Press and Seal by Glad Wrap. Ever the skeptic, I avoided trying it, sure it was another lame attempt at food storage. I finally picked up a roll one day – the skies grew sunny – bright light shone around my kitchen. I had found “IT”.

Press and Seal is the best invention in the last one hundred years as far as I am concerned. It is a papery plastic wrap and feels gummy to the touch. But it is the greatest stuff. It does seal when pressed. Truth in advertising at long last.

If you have leftovers, simply lay a sheet of Press and Seal over the bowl and tuck it tight around the top. It stays! They show on commercials someone putting hamburger patties on the wrap and pressing around the separate pieces of meat. It does work. I buy meat, but being a single diner I put the wrap around small portions of my food and tuck it tight with my hands. Voila! Your meat will never know freezer burn. It will come out as fresh as when you wrapped it.

Use Press and Seal to keep your cheese fresh. For years there was such waste in the blocks of cheese in my refrigerator. You know that wonderful greenish-blue mold that attaches itself after a few days…you just won’t get that with Press and Seal.

It’s great when something actually works – and Press and Seal really works!

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