Presto PopLite Gourmet Hot Air Popper Review

I love popcorn, unsalted, without butter plain old popcorn. It was quite a while before I got to have popcorn on a regular basis as for a long time I didn’t own a popcorn air popper. As a Christmas gift I received the Presto PopLite Gourmet Hot Air Popper and once again I could start making popcorn on a regular basis. Here is what I thought about this pop corn air popper.

The first thing that I found that I didn’t like about the Presto PopLite Gourmet Hot Air Popper was that it didn’t have an on and off switch. I am not even sure how such a thing is even up to code because I find that it is not really safe. When you unplug it you can see light, not sparks thank goodness, but to see light in the electric outlet is very scary. I even searched to see if it had been recalled but it hadn’t, so apparently such a design is up to code, although I can’t understand at all how this can be considered acceptable.

In all fairness to the Presto PopLite Gourmet Hot Air Popper is doesn’t make a bad bowl of popcorn. It can make up to half of a cup of popcorn kernels at a time, which is about 2 medium mixing bowls full. The time that it takes to make such an amount is very little, I can often get what I want made in as little as a commercial break. It tends to not cook the first couple dozen kernals and spits them out before they get a chance to cook, but I have found this to be the case with any air popper that I have used. The popcorn tastes great and I have never had it burn. The Presto PopLite Gourmet Hot Air Popper takes up very little room on my counter, I tuck it away in the corner.

All in all I am enjoying the Presto PopLite Gourmet Hot Air Popper but I really am not fond of the lack of on and off switch at all. That lack of an on and off feature is enough to make me not only not recommend this popcorn air popper to anyone but also to look for a replacement for myself. Each time that I use it I find myself looking more and more forward to finding a safer one soon.

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