Prevage: The Market’s New Anti-Wrinkle Cream

Plagued by wrinkles, fine lines, age spots or sun damage? Later this year you’lle be able to buy a terrific new anti wrinlke cream. Testing reveals it to be ten times more effective than Vitamin C, vitamin E or coenzyme Q10. These better known anti-oxidant wrinkle removers are about to meet thier match. This new anti-aging product, called Prevage, will be available initially only through doctors and plastic surgeons’ offices. Prevage offers number of benefits that other anti wrinkle treatments don’t. Here’s why Prevage will be the hot new anti wrinkle treatment, leaving vitamin C, vitamin E and coenzyme Q 10 sitting on shelves.

Prevage does something that other anti wrinkle creams don’t. That is, it actually plumps up the skin.
Existing wrinkles are actually smoothed out, setting this wrinkle fighter apart fom others. The majority of cream that are currently available soften the skin, but do not all smooth the skin’s surface. The smoothing, or flattenig, makes the wrinkles less visible to the naked eye. This is big news. Prevage will change your appearance. One study reports that women using Prevage anti wrinkle cream self reported a thirty two percent reduction in wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. A one third reduction in wrinkles, fine lines and age spots shows a level of effectiveness that neither vitamin c vitamine or coenzymeq 10 can come near to matching. Idebenone is the active ingredient and it has been reported to cure a whopping thirty eight percent of skin conditions caused by sun damage. Good news, for anyone who’s ever forgotten the sunblock.

Prevage works so well because of the extremely potent anti oxident it contains. This antioxidant, idebenone, reduces any already existing skin inflammtion but it does not stop there. This wrinkle fighter also squelches the production of free radicals that cause future skin nflammtion. It’s skin inflammation that leads to premature aging. So by using this particular skin cream you not only look better now, it also prevents future fine lines, wrinkles and age spots from forming. Prevage promises to be a large step forward in anti-aging.

Another benefit of this new wrinkle cream is that it can be used in conjunction with other anti wrinkle treatments. Products like retin a or alpha hydroxys are used by many people and they do smooth the skin to some extent. The problem many have with these products is that can cause irritation, redness and even skin flaking. Numerous people give up using products like retin a because the reaction it causes can be quite unsightly. Here’s more good news about Prevage, it can be applied before retin a or alpha hydroxies and will prevent these unwelcome side effects. Since the idebenone blocks inflammation, you can use both products for a double dose of anti wrinkle treatment.

So, if you are interested in the triple benefits of idebenone ask your dermatologist or doctor about Prevage. If you want to treat existing fine lines, sun damage or age spots give this anti wrinkle treater a try. If you are already using a skin smoother, like retin a, consider supplementing your treatment with this powerful new cream. Even if simply seek protection from future skin damage, Prevage will give you great results.

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