Process of Adopting an International Infant

The process of adopting an international infant is much different from the process of adopting an infant within the United States. There are different policies and procedures depending on the country that the infant is being adopted from. Even though it might be a more stringent process, once you are familiar with it, adopting an international infant will not be as difficult as it first may seem.
The first step in adopting an international infant is deciding from which country you would like to adopt an infant. There are many factors that may influence your decision. Many people consider adopting an infant from a third world country in an attempt to give a child a better chance at life. Others choose the country that they wish to adopt from based on their own nationality. Think about the factors that are most important to you when you are selecting the country for adopting an infant from. Some countries that are popular for adoptions now are China, Russia, Guatemala, and South Korea.
In the process of adopting an international infant, it is best to find an agency that can assist you with the process. Use a private agency that specializes in adopting international infants because most public agencies do not offer this service. Make sure to do research about the agency to ensure that they will operate not only under the law, but in your best interest as well. Ask the agency about their requirements for adopting an infant. These requirements may affect your efforts in adopting an infant.
The agency will have a social worker come out to do a home study with you. The home study is used to assist in adopting an infant by determining if your home will be suitable for adopting an infant. The home study will also be used to collect information that will be used in placing the infant once the process of adopting has officially started. For the home study, you will need to collect various documents including birth certificates of the parents, your marriage license, a health statement from a doctor, and financial information such as bank statements and tax returns.
After the home study, the adoption agency will inform you of your eligibility for adopting an international child. When you have been accepted, you will then need to file a petition that will allow for adopting a foreign infant. This petition should be filed with the INS office. In order for the international infant that you are adopting to immigrate to the United States, the INS must approve the petition. The form should also be sent to the United States embassy in the country that you are seeking an international adoption.
Once the petition has been approved and you accept an infant, the process of adopting the infant officially begins. There are different requirements for adopting the infant after this point. One or both parents might need to be present during the process of adopting depending on the regulations of the country from which you are adopting the infant. You may or may not be able to go through with the adoption process in that country. Some countries allow you to adopt the child in that country and then immigrate the child into the United States. Other countries will not allow the process of internationally adopting an infant. These countries will grant you guardianship over the infant and allow you to complete the process of adopting the infant in the United States.
Some states do not recognize adoption of an infant from another country. Make sure that you know the requirements of your state when deciding whether to adopt in the foreign country or the United States.