Product Review: B’laster Lawn Mower Tune-Up

I love it when a product actually works the way the advertisement says it does! It all began when my wife and I purchased an investment property. About a half acre in size, it was in need of a good mowing. I wanted to do it with my Sears garden tractor, but it wouldn’t fit into my pickup truck due to the mower deck width. So then I checked out trailers and they were too expensive. I finally accepted I would have to use my walk behind power mower.

Now, this mower is twelve years old as I write this. It’s a Murray 22 inch cut and easily starts with one pull. But, it was getting tired and the RPMs just weren’t the same as when I first bought it. I’m a stickler as far as doing preventive maintenance, such as changing the spark plug, changing the oil, winterizing, etc. But a small engine mechanic I ain’t!

I was shopping in Lowe’s recently and saw my possible mowing salvation on a shelf, screaming at me in big letters: lawn mower tune-up. Bingo! This could be just what I needed. Even more intriguing was the word “Blaster”! Hey, a guy likes tools, objects that produce loud noises, and big blasts. I couldn’t resist the yellow-capped can with those luring words – “powerful”, “fabulous”, “outrageous”. I kid you not. One note in the interest of accuracy, is that the word is actually B’laster. That’s the name of the company who’s in its fiftieth year of producing specialty industrial chemicals. I still like it, though, with the apostrophe dropped.

When I got home, I literally jumped out of my truck, clutching the B’laster can in my white-knuckled hand. Okay, too dramatic. But I was anxious to try it. I removed my mower from the shed and took off the air filter. It’s very easy to do that, usually with just a screw-driver or socket wrench. Reading the directions on the can that even I could follow, I sprayed into the air intake for only five seconds while the engine was running. You’ll hear the engine hesitate a little, but that’s normal. I also shut the engine off and sprayed into the gas tank for twenty seconds as an additive while mowing.

The results were fantastic! The engine ran smoother and the RPMs were higher than before. This worked so well, I used it on a Sears brush cutter that really was on its last legs. It also ran so much better after doing the same thing I did to the mower. Then I used B’laster on my Sears garden tractor. The results were the same. So much so, that my neighbor came over to talk to me and asked if the tractor was new. I then told him about the quick spray-can tune-up I just did and he commented on how great the engine sounded.

It’s an extremely useful product, and can be used to to tune-ups on all small engines, including snow blowers, edgers, leaf blowers, outboard engines, generators, compressors, welders, pumps, chain saws, ATVs, motorcycles, tractors, jet skis, and any combustible engine!

I’m the unlucky type of guy who gets stuck with things that don’t work. This time I am very satisfied with the performance of this product. If you are experiencing any of the same problems with your equipment, try B’laster. I paid $5.95 for the 11 ounce can and highly recommend it as a cheap alternative to a repair job by a mechanic.

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