Product Review: Easy Off Bam Power Stain and Drain

I have no idea how old my toilet is, since I rent my place, but it’s got to be at least several years old. It has some stubborn stains that never budged, no matter what cleanser I used. Easy Off Bam really did the trick. It’s thick, so it doesn’t immediately run, and actually has a chance to clean the sides of the bowl. After letting the product sit for a few minutes, I discovered that the older, stubborn stains needed very little scrubbing. The newer, fresher toilet ring didn’t really need scrubbing – just a quick pass with the toilet brush.
The drain for my bathroom sink periodically becomes clogged; I assume because of hair clogs. It could also have something to do with the pipes being old and having scummy build up. Easy Off Bam’s packaging said that pouring half the bottle down the drain and letting it sit for a while would take care of a clog. So I did just that, but I only poured about a fourth of the bottle. It certainly took care of the clog and the drain has been running well since.
At this point I was impressed with Easy Off Bam’s cleaning power, so I decided to clean other areas of the bathroom with it. My white bathroom sink had some stubborn stains from makeup that usually took serious scrubbing to remove. A little bit of Bam and a quick swipe of a sponge got rid of the stains.
A portion of my shower wall had some scum build up from a bar of soap. This can be hard stuff to remove. Easy Off Bam made it very easy to remove. The grainy non-slip things on the bottom of my shower always look dirty, even after cleaning. Bam made these look a lot cleaner (although they don’t look completely clean.
I also discovered that Easy Off Bam works well on hard water spots. Overall, this turned out to be a great product. Its many uses and cleaning power made cleaning my bathroom much easier and faster. The only drawback is it’s strong smell, so use it in a well ventilated bathroom.