Product Review: Grout Sealer by Tile Lab

Investing a few dollars in a grout sealer will save you a lot of time and energy later on as you struggle to clean stained grout. But if you did not seal the grout when you first moved into your home, Grout Sealer by Tile Lab will do the job.

When I moved into my newly constructed home almost a year ago, the tiles and grout were all brand new, which gave me a great canvass to work from. I wiped down the grout, just to ensure that no dust had become trapped and then I used Grout Sealer by Tile Lab to finish the job.


Grout Sealer by Tile Lab cost $3.98 from Lowe’s. You can also look in Home Depot for this product if you would prefer. The Grout Sealer comes in a 177.5ml (6 fl oz) bottle complete with a brush so that you do not have to reserve old toothbrushes in order to get the job done.

The brush is thin enough to get into the small grout lines that are more common in bathrooms. But it is also thick enough to seal larger grout lines that are normally found on larger tiles as you walk in the front door or if you have tiles on your kitchen floor. This makes grout sealing much more efficient.

Easy to Apply

You do not have to be an expert to be able to seal the grout in your home. Grout Sealer by Tile Lab is invisible, so even if you go over the grout line a little, it will not matter. Even if you go over the grout line, it is easy to wipe the residue off without having to battle to scrape it off. Grout Sealer does more than just seal grout. It also protects grout joints from collecting dirt, stains and mildew.

How to Use

Before you start using Grout Sealer, make sure that the surface is clean and completely dry. For newly constructed homes, allow the grout 48 to cure. Apply the Grout Sealer using the brush and wait 10-15 minutes for it to penetrate into the grout. Wipe off any excess liquid as you go along and then wait 30 minutes before applying the second coat. It will take between 2-3 hours for the grout to dry.


A 177.5ml (6fl oz) bottle of Grout Sealer by Tile Lab will cover approximately 50-80sq ft of surface. This will depend on the size of the grout width.

Excellent Product

I would highly recommend Grout Sealer by Tile Lab. Sealing grout can be time consuming, particularly if you have a lot of grout to seal. But it will be worth it in the long run, as you will not have to contend with stains, dirt and mildew.

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