Product Review: Kundert Drop Spindles

Recently, I started looking at artistic drop spindles for a display in my living room that was both functional and useful. In my internet travels, I came across Kundert Drop Spindles, where the man who owns the Kundert shop makes his own drop spindles from domestic and exotic woods, using the whorl to showcase his designs. He doesn’t stain the wood, he inlays types of wood into the whorl and then finishes them to bring out their natural beauty. According to his website, he began making drop spindles in 2001, after a woman asked him if he made them. Prior to that, he was making spinning wheels and other things. He no longer makes spinning wheels.

Some of the woods he uses include: maple, walnut, bubinga, bloodwood, butternut, cherry, yellowheart, purpleheart, red elm, and padauk.

I ordered several for my collection, thinking that someone who does this for a living might have a good idea what he’s doing. Boy was I ever impressed. His 30 or more years as a woodturner really come through in his work.

I figured it would take longer to receive them because they were hand made, but about a week later I was informed by Mr. Kundert that my drop spindles were done and on their way.

They arrived 2 days later and were every bit as beautiful as I’d imagined. Not only that, but the wood on all parts is smooth and shined brightly like it was just polished. I won’t have to worry about slivers here. The manufacturer states that on the whorl is several coats of a polymerized oil finish and a final buff with carnuba wax. Also, only one coat of finish is placed on the shaft to ensure the shaft is not too slippery but still remains protected. The whorl, when complete, measures somewhere between 3 3/8 and 3 ½ due to sanding (it starts at 3 ½) and during their creating the pieces are spun as one. The creator says this is to ensure the best balance possible. The base of the drop spindle is tapered with a fancy turning at the bottom. The spindles could also be used as a low whorls for that reason. The shaft length is 8.5 inches (below the whorl) and about 10.5 overall before the hook). He also manufactures the hooks. All spindles range from .9 to 1.5 ounces, which is optimum.

How do they spin? Like a dream. They’re weighed perfectly and have a large whorl, which I find helps to keep my tension better than the drop spindles I’m used to using.

The Kundert Spindles website also has carved whorl spindles that might be right up someone’s alley, and they take paypal as well.

I’ve taken several photos that I’m going to put up on AC so you can see my Kundert spindles, as well as one that I’ve already used for spinning (which still has some rose silk/merino on it). Also, I’m including one in hand so you can see how large the whorls are on these pieces. To see the other photos, you just click through them on the side.

The only difficult part I had a time getting used to was the shape of the hook. It isn’t a major issue, but sometimes my thread falls off and I have to fix it. My other drop spindles have had a more enclosed hook. I wish the notch were a little deeper as well, but it hasn’t posed any real problems for me.

It’s something worth mentioning, because this is a product review for the Kundert Drop Spindles. Honestly, to me it only slightly detracts from these fabulous drop spindles.

At any rate, I’m overall highly pleased with these drop spindles. Even the negatives I looked for are minimal, and worth the fun that these new pieces are undoubtedly going to bring me. If I were giving star ratings, this would definitely be a 4.5…and I’m a picky girl.

At any rate, go and check them out here, maybe get one of your own, and let me know what you think of them. I’d love to hear from other spinners who are intrigued by or have used Kundert Drop Spindles.

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