Product Review: LA’s Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner

LA’s Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner has won a devoted follower.

We have found the home of my fantasies: a log cabin in the country. Among the many virtues are the log walls and custom-made knotty pine cabinets in the kitchen. The prior occupants lived in the home for 15 years, which has positive and negative aspects.

The negative aspect of the prior 15 years has reared its ugly head in the form of soot from the too-hotly burned fireplace in need of inspection and the kerosene heaters filled with cheap kerosene. The walls, cabinets and trim are all coated in a very heavy film of black/brown soot. I resigned myself to several full days of scrubbing and rinsing.

The owners of the property had done a small bit of general cleaning in the days following the prior occupants move-out. They left behind several cleaning supplies purchased at the local Dollar General store. One product was LA’s Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner, as well as its diluted version in spray bottles. After cleaning a very small test area to determine the safety of LA’s Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner on the woodwork, I became alarmed that it may have eaten the finish. I was assured by my boyfriend I was seeing was the actual color of the wood on the walls.

We decided to wait until we had could buy large, soft brushes to finish the walls due to the natural cracks and crevices in log walls. I moved on to the kitchen cabinets. I have never used a cleaning product which so easily cut through the soot as LA’s Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner. With barely any effort of my own, I was treated to the natural glow of knotty pine wood by simply wiping and rinsing with a clean, wet cloth.

After leaving the cabin, I stopped at my local Dollar General store to buy a supply of LA’s Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner. In reading the product label, I learned that LA’s Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner contains no ammonia, acid or bleach and it is non-flammable. I was concerned that there was not an ingredient listing on the bottle. I located the website for Awesome Products, Inc. and learned that LA’s Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner is non-toxic and made from natural ingredients, therefore not required to be labeled. For those with young children, a negative aspect may be that LA’s Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner is not a disinfectant.

I also learned on the product website that there is a large line of Totally Awesome cleaning products which are widely available at “dollar” stores throughout the United States. The price of the spray bottle was $1, and I bought 2 64-ounce bottles of LA’s Totally Awesome All-Purpose Concentrated Cleaner for $3 each. The proper dilution ratios are printed on the label.

If the property owners had not left behind a supply of LA’s Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner, I would have used another product that would not have worked as well or as easily.

I believe my children will each be receiving a supply of LA’s Totally Awesome All Purpose Cleaner in their Christmas baskets this year.

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