Product Review: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is a soft cleaning pad that acts just like an eraser. There are two to a pack and each sponge is about 11.8 x 6.1 x2.6cm. Its innovative cleaning material cleans tough dirt, lifting it away from surfaces all over your home. The package says to try it on soap scum, marks on walls, inside microwaves or even on car wheels. All you need to do is wet with water and then squeeze the excess water out, then you are ready to go!
My bathroom was a mess so I decided to use it there first. It got rid of the soap scum in my tub and on my bathroom tiles within seconds! I was truly amazed! I did not even have to struggle! I was so impressed I tried it out all over the house. I went into the kitchen and tried it on the sink, the faucets, and the microwave, and they were clean within minutes! I tried it on the stove too, which was terribly dirty -that took a little more work, but I did get most of my mess cleaned up!
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser lives up to its claims and is very easy to use. It makes cleaning a whole lot easier. I don’t dread cleaning as much now because I know it will be a piece of cake! I cleaned a good portion of my house and I did not have to put forth as much effort as I would have using another cleaning product. I was amazed that the Magic Eraser was still in pretty good shape when I finished the job! I was also impressed with the cleaning performance that Mr. Clean Magic Eraser gave me on my tiles and especially on my stove!
It works well and is sold at a reasonable price. Try it for yourself! You won’t be disappointed. It cleans just about anything out there! They don’t call it magic for nothing!