Product Review: Petzyme Stain and Odor Remover

Petzyme Stain and Odor Remover comes in a large bottle. The liquid is clear and has a pleasant, mildly sweet scent. The secret to the powerful stain and odor remover is that it contains an enzyme which breaks down pet stains and odors. In addition, Petzyme Stain and Odor Remover offers a 100% money-back guarantee.
We first tried it on a puppy pee spot when our puppy had his next accident. According to the directions, we applied the stain and odor remover directly to the stain while it was still wet. It can also be applied directly onto carpeting or blotted onto a stain by way of a damp paper towel. We give the stain and odor remover a few minutes to set and sat back and watched in awe as the stain disappeared. Then we blotted up the wet area with a paper towel.
Petzyme Stain and Odor Remover also works on old stains, too. When the puppy was being potty-trained, he sometimes left a little present behind a piece of furniture for us to find later. We simply cleaned up the spot, applied the stain and odor remover and let it air dry. Air drying allows the Petzyme to work at full capacity.
Our next opportunity we had to use Petzyme Stain and Odor Remover was when our older dog vomited on the carpet. We feed our dogs Beneful, and for some reason, Beneful comes back up the color of spaghetti sauce. We thought for sure that we’d be calling Petzyme to get our money back. I couldn’t imagine that Petzyme Stain and Odor Remover would be able to get that ugly red coloring out of the carpet. Much to my surprise, the stain once again magically dissolved on contact. Some use of paper towel and rubbing had to be done, but it was very minimal, much less than either of us had to do when we tried using different products.
The next time we broke out the Petzyme Stain and Odor Remover was when the cat expressed his displeasure of being chased by the puppy and he let us know by peeing right in the middle of our bed. Gotta’ love how cats communicate. There’s no mistaking what they are trying to tell you! Cat pee has long been the bane of my existence, with its lingering foul stench that never seems to quite disappear entirely. I treated the comforter with a hearty dose of Petzyme Stain and Odor Remover. Then I threw it in the washing machine and along with detergent, threw in a cup of Petzyme. The comforter came out smelling new and fresh. Absolutely no cat urine smell remained.
After that, we started getting creative. Because we have three dogs, the carpet after a while can start smelling doggy, especially on damp, rainy days. We invested in a heavy duty steam cleaner so we can steam clean the carpets frequently. We often add Petzyme Stain and Odor Remover to the steam cleaner to eliminate the doggy odors that can collect in the carpet fibers. It has worked wonderfully in removing all traces of pet odors. People are often surprised when we tell them we have three dogs, as our house is now completely odor-free.
I have to say, Petzyme Stain and Odor Remover is worth its weight in gold. This is one household cleaning product I will never be without.