Product Review: The Evenflo Hiker

The Evenflo Hiker has become a product we can’t live without. We purchased the Evenflo Hiker not long after the birth of our son and now we don’t like to go anywhere without it.
The Evenflo Hiker has a lightweight aluminum frame that supports a vinyl carrying-seat. This makes it sturdy, but extremely comfortable for long walks. It is constructed so that the baby can see over the shoulder of the parent. This is important if your child is like our son, who has to see everything.
The child is placed in the seat of the Evenflo Hiker in a piggyback position, and is then secured in place with straps. The design of the Evenflo Hiker is very comfortable for the child, and there’s even a convenient compartment at the bottom of the carrier for such necessities as the baby’s bottle or snacks.
The design of the Evenflo Hiker is very also very comfortable for the parent, and the weight of the infant is well distributed. And it is very easy to get your child into the Evenflo Hiker.
We find we can walk very comfortably for a long time. The Evenflo Hiker is easier than hoisting our boy on our shoulders, and allows us to cover terrain a stroller couldn’t handle. Because of the Evenflo Hiker’s lightweight design we can go much further when we go for walks, with no more aching shoulders at the end.
We’ve had the Evenflo Hiker for about a year now and have found it to be very durable. No straps are broken; there are no significant signs of wear.
Our son will sometimes fuss if he finds himself about to be loaded info something he doesn’t like much – like the car seat. But he has no complaints about the Evenflo Hiker.
And for us the Evenflo Hiker has served as a great exercise machine. I should explain that our son doesn’t like it when the person carrying him stops. If we’re carrying our son in the Evenflo Hiker and we stop, he keeps us moving by kicking us in the back and by complaining loudly. So with the help of the Evenflo Hiker we have our own little personal trainer. When he’s in his Evenflo he likes to go, go, go.