Product Review: X-14 Foaming Bathroom Cleaner

The X – 14 Foaming Bathroom Cleaner claims to work on contact, removing soap scum, cleaning and deodorizing. While no ingredients are listed, there is a warning to those with sensitive skin. Gloves should be worn when using the X-14 for prolonged periods of time. The product costs nearly $3.00 retail for 22 ounces of foaming cleaner.
I tested the X-14 in three different situations. A bathroom shower stall that gets used twice a day, a bathroom stall that only gets used once or twice a week and a bath tub. The X14 worked great on the soap scum in all three situations. The cleaner attached to the walls simply stripped away any and all residue.
The foaming nature of the cleaner made use simple. Just point the can at the area of cleaning and press the nozzle. The foam attaches and clings to the area and slowly moves downward, cleaning along the way.
The scent of the X-14 is fantastic as well. A fragrant orange scent that is in no way similar to any other cleaning product I have ever used. The scent resembles more of an air freshener than a cleaner.
The warning about skin contact was rightfully included. My hands became tingly and burned a little after only twenty minutes of cleaning. I do not have sensitive skin.
After cleaning all showers and tubs, I decided to move on to toilets and sinks. According to the can, you can use the X-14 Foaming Bathroom Cleaner on sinks, toilets and any non-porous material in the bathroom. The toilet sparkled and the sink, well, the toothpaste came off with ease.
The X-14 Foaming Bathroom Cleaner cleaned soap scum well enough. The walls of all three bathrooms were clean and fresh. They shined and smelled wonderful. The X-14 Foaming Bathroom Cleaner earns five out of five stars. This product, while hard on the hands, makes cleaning an easy task that takes much less time. The product costs next to nothing and works as well as the other name brands. I will recommend the X-14 Foaming Bathroom Cleaner to everyone.