Product Review of The Sanyo Compact Refrigerator

In speaking with a sales associate about compact fridges, I mentioned I wanted one that didn’t have a freezer. He told me that they didn’t stock those. He told me something I didn’t know, though, the mini freezer helps to keep the refrigerator cool. He went on to say that mini fridges without freezers tend to be only twenty degrees below room temperature. That is, unless they have a compressor. But neither of us knew if the one I was considering at the other store had a compressor. However, I suspected that he was also trying to frighten me into buying a mini fridge that he did sell.
Even though the salesman at the other store had frightened me of the compact refrigerator that didn’t have a freezer, I continued forth and read the reviews for the Sanyo compact refrigerator. Someone commented that the compressor was quiet when it came on. This relieved my fears. Apparently, the Sanyo compact fridge did have a compressor. Feeling better about this product, I purchased one.
The Sanyo compact refrigerator is the perfect small refrigerator. It is so quiet that I barely notice when it is running. And it keeps everything colder than our other refrigerator. It has an adjustable thermostat, and surprisingly, it doesn’t have to be turned all the way up to keep everything at 40 degrees. But even more surprising was how fast it became cool after I plugged it up. I recommend purchasing a refrigerator thermometer so you are always aware of temperature.
With 4.9 cubic feet, there is enough room to put most everything imaginable in your mini fridge. One of the unique features of this mini fridge is that on the door it’ll hold a gallon size container and has a can drink dispenser. With 3 glass shelves and a drawer in the bottom, it’s designed well.
The Sanyo compact refrigerator is tall enough that it doubles as a counter. It’s easy to take items out of the fridge and quickly make a sandwich or salad. The top also serves as storage for items that don’t require refrigeration.
Some people have complained in user comments about the lighting, but I have no problems seeing inside the fridge with no other lights on in the room. The stainless door is very stylist. While the black interior is unusual, it’s just another feature that makes it unique.