Product Review – Sigg Bottle

A few months ago, my husband and I decided that we were tired of spending money on bottled water. In addition, we were bothered by the environmental impact of throwing away or recycling plastic bottle after plastic bottle. We purchased a Brita filter for our tap water, but since I’m always reaching for a bottle of water when I’m on the go, I needed to find a new solution.

My main criteria when looking for re-usable water bottles was that the bottle could not be made of polycarbonate plastic, which contains BPA, a potentially toxic chemical. This ruled out Nalgene bottles, as well as most other plastic bottles.

After a few days of searching, I found a solution: Sigg bottles. Although Sigg bottles have been around for a century, it is only recently that they have been experiencing a surge of popularity. Many people, like me, have been searching for an alternative to plastic bottles, and the Sigg fits that niche perfectly.

Product Information

Sigg bottles are made of non-breakable aluminum, with a proprietary, non-toxic inner liner which is resistant to leaching. This lining is made of a water-based epoxy resin that exceeds the FDA requirements for leaching. The resin is taste- and scent-neutral. Sigg bottles are guaranteed by a lifetime warranty, and are 100% recyclable throughout the life of the bottle.

There are several sizes of Sigg bottles: 1.5 liter, 1 liter, 0.5 liter, 0.6 liter, and a child-sized bottle of 0.3 liter. I chose the 0.6 liter size (about 18 oz.), since I wanted a bottle that was big enough to hold enough water for a few hours, but would fit easily into my large purse.

Bottle Designs

I had a hard time choosing a bottle, because the designs of Sigg’s bottles are gorgeous. The bottle designs range from plain, solid-colored versions, to very intricate patterns. I finally settled on a white bottle with the “Geisha’s Grace” design, which is a very beautiful pattern from Sigg’s limited edition “Japanese Spirit” line.

I had the choice of a screw top or a sports top to cap off the bottle. I chose both tops, since I didn’t know which one I’d prefer. The great thing about the Sigg bottle tops is that they are interchangeable.


After washing the bottle, I filled it up with cold water from my Brita filter, placed it in the refrigerator for a half-hour, and then tasted the water. The interior coating prevents any aluminum from leaching into the contents of the bottle, so there was absolutely no metallic taste to the water. The water remained cold for about an hour.

After a few months of using the Sigg bottle, I am very pleased with my purchase. The Sigg definitely keeps my cold beverages cold. I haven’t placed warm beverages inside my Sigg, but it is possible to do so, as long as you don’t boil the liquid while it’s in the bottle.

If I want my water to be very cold, I just pop the bottle into the refrigerator for a few hours before leaving the house. You can’t, however, put the bottle in the freezer, as this will cause the bottle to crack.

Sigg does not recommend subjecting the bottles to extended periods of extreme heat. I’ve been careful not to leave my Sigg in the car on a hot summer day for this reason.

Portability and Durability

The bottles are very lightweight and portable, and the 0.5 liter version fits easily into my purse or gym bag. The only drawback to tossing an aluminum bottle into a bag is, of course, that the bottle will dent. After owning the bottle for a few months, I do notice a few small dents, but they are very minor, and do not detract from the appearance of the bottle. I am careful not to drop the Sigg bottle onto hard surfaces, because I don’t want any huge dents in the surface.

Additional ProductFeatures

Sigg offers several accessories for their bottles, from bottle brushes to different types of bottle tops. I purchased both the screw top and the sports top for my Sigg bottle. I have found that both tops work wonderfully. I prefer the screw top in most cases. It’s very easy to unscrew, and the loop at the end of the screw top makes it easy to carry, or clip onto a carabiner clip or key chain. For the gym, however, I prefer using the sports top. I found that using the Sigg sports top is tricky to master at first, but once I got the hang of it, it became very easy to use.


Although Sigg bottles are dishwasher-safe, the manufacturer recommends washing them by hand. Washing with soap and hot water seems adequate, but for more thorough cleaning, I did purchase some Sigg bottle cleaning tablets. These tablets are very easy to use. Simply fill up the Sigg bottle with warm water, drop a tablet in, let it fizz, and then scrub the bottle with a bottle brush. I find that using the tablets every once in a while keeps my Sigg bottle as fresh as it was when it was new.

Cost and Where to Purchase

Sigg bottles are not cheap – a 0.6 liter bottle costs about $20. The cost, however, reflects the quality of this bottle. It’s very durable and will last a long time.

You can find Sigg bottles at Whole Foods Market or at RI. You can also search for them online, although due to their recent surge in popularity, Sigg has not been able to keep up with consumer demand. is one place where you can still purchase these bottles online.

If you are looking for an economical, environmentally sound solution to bottled water, I highly recommend using a Sigg bottle with whatever water filtration system you choose.

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