Program Helps People with Diseases

At The Wright House Wellness Center in Austin, TX people with certain illnesses receive integrated therapies, education, and compassion.

Those living with HIV, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), cancer, and Hepatitis C receive support services, advocacy, community, mental health services, prevention programs, and other help they need.

The Wright House ( was founded in 1988 by PLWAs (Persons Living With AIDS) and several holistic health practitioners who believed that many symptoms of HIV could be effectively treated with holistic therapies.

The facility was named “Most Hopeful Place 2003” by The Austin Chronicle.

Services are offered on a sliding fee scale (based on income) to persons living in the Austin EMA which includes Bastrop, Caldwell, Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties. If you live outside these areas you can still receive services but not reduced rates.

According to staff integrated wellness therapies aid in the alleviation of side effects and symptoms of medications and chronic illness, increase energy, decrease the effects of stress, provide social and emotional support, and give people a sense of well-being and balance. The program is designed to assist with increasing or maintaining quality of life, help with adherence to medical treatments, and help with staying in primary medical care services. The Wright House contracts with area practitioners for reduced or no-cost services as a referral agency to doctors and services. Some of the therapies include acupuncture, biofeedback, chiropractic care, cranial sacral (a massage technique), Jin Shin Jyutsu (for balance), massage, ortho-bionomy (body work), reconnective healing (form of massage), Reiki (energy work), and hypnotherapy.

The program also offers fitness classes, including yoga. Diagnostic methods other than lab exams are used during contact with the doctor and patient.

There is also a Survivor Wellness Support Group offered free of charge.

Although they receive grant funding, the program must rely on private and corporate donations. They also accept donations in the form of autos, boats, trailers, and RVs. Needs include furniture, food, computer equipment, linens, landscape supplies and services, and electrician and handyman services.

The house is located at 4031-B North IH-35.

For more information, call 512-467-0088 or toll-free at 1-888-381-5180.

In related holistic news regarding cancer, Dr. Charles Brusch of the famed Brusch Clinic in Cambridge, Massachusetts and former doctor of the late John F. Kennedy, said he healed himself from stomach cancer with an herbal tea called ESSIAC.

“Randy from Texas was diagnosed with lung cancer in October 2004 and the doctor gave him some radiation but he was still in much pain and sick. He began taking the Native Herbal Tea in November,” said Brusch. “He drank it three or four times a day and did not miss a dose, even when he went camping. He soon began feeling better. His doctor said his tumor was shrinking and his blood count was great. He has gone back to work and is in no pain thanks to the Native Herbal Tea.”

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