Project Anna Brings Unprecedented Message of Hope for Russian Orphans

The article stated the several specific projects will soon be presented both domestically and internationally as a direct message of hope for every orphaned and homeless child in Russia.
Production will soon commence on two major motion pictures that will chronicle the dramatic journey Silanskas embarked upon beginning in Dec. 2002, according to research.
Profits from each these productions and all ancillaries will be utilized for the expansive and defined efforts of Project Anna in Russia throughout the orphanages, baby homes, institutions, and hospitals, according to literature.
In a recent interview Silanskas said:” These children have been entrusted to me through the events that changed my life forever.”
You can watch an award-winning documentary on the organization at in Quick Time.
“My heart is very full and the urgency that is driving my every step cannot be explained,” said Silanskas. “The children carry buckets from a well at the bottom of a steep hill to bring basic water needs to their orphanage (in Palvy, Russia). There is no running water. There is no central heat. There is no plumbing for sanitation. The floors are collapsing, ceiling is falling, and the building is falling apart. We were able to provide $22,000 rubles to help with emergency needs. You must understand that when people have no money and a society is working towards a new future after just beginning as a democracy, they need help. And we must help without any conditions!”
Silanskas recorded a CD regarding the adoption of his two Russian daughters called “Lullaby of Hope.”
The back story regarding the recording refers to Silanskas having a dream around Christmas time in 2002 in which a little girl was lost and needed help. In the dream Silanskas said he was certain that the child was in danger and he awoke in tears.
That morning his wife Stephanie called him from work after seeing a photo from a website of a little girl that matched his description of the child from his dream.
The real girl turned out to be a ward of the Pechory Children’s Home.
According to the Russian press, for the couple, there were no doubts.
Silanskas said his Dec. 23, 2002 dream and everything after that was “a true miracle” which inspired him to look for the little girl, Nadezhda (renamed Nadia) and to bring some help in a lot of Russian orphanages.