Projects to Winterize a Home: Ten DIY Fall Home Repairs

When we see the early signs of daylight fading into fall it reminds all homeowners that it’s time to check on the DIY fall home repairs. If you are like me, you wait until the last minute of summer is gone before starting on the list of home repairs. Making a list of the repairs throughout the summer months will at least give a good start on the fall home work.

Check Roof Inside and Out For Leaks

Climb up on the roof and look everywhere for shingles lifting or wood chips or shavings. These could be places where critters have tried to enter the home. Remove any damaged shingles to see wood or tar paper underneath. Assess the damage. If only shingle deep, purchase a package of matching shingles and roofing nails and replace them. Call a professional roofer for severe damage before the snow falls or temperature drops. Never get on a roof alone, have someone on the ground for emergencies.

Clean Gutters and Seal

Use a sturdy ladder to clean any dirt or leaves that have accumulated in the gutters around the home. Turn a garden hose on and check for leaks and bends in the gutters. If leakage occurs, purchase gutter sealant in a tube like caulk. Place sealant in a caulk gun and apply to leaking area.

Trim Tree Branches Hanging Low Over the Home

Trim any tree braches that hang low over the home during the fall to avoid breakage from snowfall in winter. Tree branches don’t have to be cut short, often they will spring away from the home with some weight taken off.

Clean All Windows and Check Wood Frames

Wash all of the exterior windows on the home during the fall and inspect the caulking on wood frames. Older homes still have wood framed windows and over the years the caulk shrivels and slips away from the glass. Remove any old caulk and replace using a tube of heavy-duty exterior window caulk. Remember to use a finger or sponge to press the caulk into the cracks of the wood for a good seal.

Change Air Filter in Furnace

Changing the air filter in a furnace is the easiest DIY home improvement job on the list. This is a good way to let the kids help with fall home repairs. Remove the old air filter from the furnace, usually located on the side of the unit. Place a new filter in the furnace, checking to ensure it is facing the right way.

Check All Exterior Windows and Doors for Air Flow Leaks

Checking exterior doors and windows for proper closure is a safety issue and can save money on heating bills in the fall and winter months. Close the door or window with a piece of paper half in half out and try to move the paper. If it moves easily, the closure needs a better seal. Check the rubber seal around the door for damage, replace if necessary. Do the same on windows, looking at the felt like strip. Apply an indoor window winterizing treatment, usually plastic sheeting with a tape strip.

Winterize Electrical Outlets on Exterior Home Walls

Check all electrical outlets for proper output using handheld electric meter. Remove each faceplate and check the integrity of the wiring, look for missing caps or blackened wires. While checking outlets on exterior walls, fill the cavity inside the wall around the outlet with insulation.

Mow and Rake All Leaves

Lawn care is a big part of DIY fall home repair. Mow the lawn for the last time and rake all of the leaves. Raking the lawn will help to aerate and allow the food to get to the roots faster. Old leaves and lawn clippings can be placed in a compost pile or used as mulch in the garden.

Weed and Feed Lawn

Use a spreader to apply the appropriate fall weed and feed for a lawn. Applying the fertilizer in the fall will give the lawn a kick start in spring. Use fertilizers in low wind conditions and always read the directions for proper spreader set up.

Prune All Flowering Plants and Cover for Winter

Roses and other delicate plants that remain outdoors through winter should be pruned down before the first hard freeze. This will throw the plant into a dormant stage and it will start storing nutrients in its roots. An easy DIY fall home repair is removing any dead or dying plants and cover the healthy ones with an inverted flower pot.

Making a list of home repairs and winterizing projects throughout the summer can remind you of the jobs for fall. All of these home repairs can be Do-It-Yourself projects or easily hired out to neighborhood kids for a few dollars.

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