Prom Tips, Suggestions and Ideas

The first thing people usually ask me of high school age is, should I bother going to high school prom? My answer is definitely “Yes.” Prom is one of those once in a lifetime evetns that only come along once like college graduation or first wedding. It is important that you go to it. Other people tell me, “Well I don’t have a date.” I say it doesn’t matter. Go with any girl that you know in your high school senior class. You don’t have to be going our or evn go together. You can just sit at the same table with a bunch of your friends and talk to each other. Even if this doesn’t work, go to your prom with a bunch of friends, guys or girls or btoh and just have a good time.


The Limo is one of the biggest things you have to plan for the prom. Make sure that in early novmeber and december you start thinking about renting a limo to take you to your prom. If you are going in a group make sure that you agree with people that you know who exaclty will go into the limo and how many people you plan on fitting into that limo. Make sure that you aren’t the odd man left out! Make sure that you arrange for you to be in that limo with yuor friends and your date. If you want a romantic ride wit your date, you can get a towncar limo to try you there. It is also important that you contact a variety of limo services. Some require that you have to have set up a pre-existing account with them and have used them for business in the past. Others specialize in one time rides like prom or a wedding. Also ask companies how much they charge for a round trip ride and how many people can fit into a stretch limo. You can find listings for limo’s from past students who have gone to senior proms or the yellow pages or call the operator or serf the web.

Tux and dress

The tuxedo or dress is extremely important as well and one trap that people fall into is renting the tux or dress too late. I personally decided to rent my tux only 3 weeks before my prom and it was awful. The place I went to barely had any sizes or stlyes left, especially the ones that I wanted. Make sure that you go early enough so that the place wil lhave plenty of stlyes and models in stock to rent to you for your prom. Also look at a variety of stores to compare prices. Some tuxedos range from $100 to $300 for a rental. Make sure that you get the rental one day before prom and are able to return the dress or tux one day at least after prom. For women dresses are a bit more complicated as the process of trying on dresses is long and tedious. Make sure that you are happy with your selection and can dance with it on. Also, some couples may want to dress alike or in the same color or style so ask your date what they are planning on doing.

The little things

There are some little things that make prom all the better. One idea is to order corsages. You can usually get them from your school or order them from a store to give to your prom date. Make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to put on your tux or dress the day of the prom. Also call the limo company and make sure that they know the exact time to pick you up from your building or house. Finally, know the format of your prom. Will speeches be given? How much dancing is involved? Do you get to choose the food you will eat? How big is the room? These factors are important in gearing up and getting ready for the prom. You want to make sure that you have plenty of energy and are all set to go so that you don’t have to worry about anything. You might also want to take a camera or arrange for the professional photographer at the party to take a picture of you in your tux or dress to savor the memories.


After the party ends, most people gather at a house or hotel and get together to have more fun. Ask your date and friends what they plan on doing after the prom is over. You may want to stay at a friends house after the party is over late at night.

Enjoy and remember above all: You will be spending a ton of money on this event. Most high schools seniors spend around $400 or more on tickets, limo, and dress or tux, plus anything else like pictures, after party, or flowers. Make srue that you have the time of your life and remember this event for years to come.

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