Pros and Cons of Declawing Your Cat

Declawing, or the surgical procedure used to permanently remove a cat’s claws, is an extremely controversial subject among cat owners. Some cat owners feel that declawing should never be an option, while others do not even realize that it is controversial. There is a middle ground to declawing though, and if you have a cat, you will want to research the topic and draw a conclusion for yourself. Talk to your vet about the procedure and make sure your fully understand what happens during the surgery. There is nothing worse that having this procedure done only to spend years regretting the decision.

Cat owners often express concern over indoor cats that scratch furniture or other objects in the house. In addition, many cat owners have concern about cats scratching a child. All cats will scratch some, but many cats love to scratch and will run their claws down anything. Cats do not ruin furniture, carpet or walls to irritate you. They are only expresses a natural instinct for sharpening their claws. Cat owners who have battled this problem know that teaching a cat to not scratch can be difficult. Also, cats do not scratch a child or person just for fun. They are usually trying to communicate something, such as “Leave me alone, I don’t want to play anymore.” If your cat is scratching, try to found out why before considering to declaw.

Before considering declawing, cat owners should try other methods of directing their cat’s desire to scratch. Also, regular trimming of nails can help curb your cat’s desire, or at least reduce the damage, of scratching. There are also products that you can purchase that either repel cats away from inappropriate scratching places or will attract your cat to places that are ok to scratch. One such product is like a reversed sticky tape. Cats do not like the way the tape feels on their paws and will stay away from these areas. Cat repellant can be helpful for some cats. Sprays can be purchase and applied to areas to deter the cat. It works for some cats, and others pay no attention. In addition, the cat repellant must be applied everyday to prove effective. Most sprays and repellants can be used safely indoors without the worry of staining. Another popular product that many cat owners use are plastic nail covers. These are applied much like fake fingernails to the cat’s claws. These will eventually fall off and will need to be reapplied every few weeks. In addition, if you want a “fancy cat”, these come in a variety of colors.

If you do not own a scratching post or pad, go get one today. Most cats love these and will rather direct their energy towards a post than your furniture. They come in all shapes, sizes and configurations. You can find really expensive posts, or inexpensive ones, as well. If your cat does not show much interest in using the post, make sure it is a place that is accessible to your cat at all times. Put in front of a window. This will encourage most cats because they can climb to the top and feel like they are in a tree. Also, try putting catnip or similar spray on the post to attract your cat. Most cats will have no trouble learning to use these posts.

Some owners become very irritated by the damage their cats can cause. New furniture is often a target for cats. If an owner has tried every available option to stop cats from scratching, then and only then should declawing be considered. For many, declawing is a much preferable way to go when the only other option is to give up the cat. Many cats are given up to shelters and older cats may never be adopted. Declawing will be the better option for these cats. There is some pain and discomfort with declawing, but no more than when a cat is spayed or neutered. Most cats can recover from declawing without complications and despite some myths, cats that undergo this procedure are not more prone to biting. While declawing will always remain a very controversial topic, it is a personal decision that should be left up to the owner and the vet who performs the surgery.

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