Protect Your Child From Household Chemicals and Accidental Poisonings

Would you keep a loaded gun under your kitchen or bathroom sink? Of course not, but many household chemicals are even deadlier than guns in the hands of a child. Yet, some people just don’t get it.

The National Safety Council says:
“More children under the age of four die of accidental poisonings at home than are accidentally killed with guns at home.”

Consumer Product Safety Commission says: “Of chemicals commonly found in homes, 150 have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological abnormalities.”

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health says:
“After analyzing 2.983 chemicals used in personal care products, 884 were found to be toxic.”

Common household products, the ones that line grocery store isles, the same ones that millions of Americans use daily…….as little as one ounce could kill small children. Children who encounter a fate with these products die a slow and painful death. These products literally, slowly eat away at their precious organs.

While there are many people who understand the dangers of keeping chemicals away from children, it’s still important to spread the word. Talk to your children, tell your neighbors or even ask your school to help educate children about the dangers. Most importantly keep these household killers in an appropiate, safe place.

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