Protecting Children from Cell Phones and iPods

It is bad enough the sexual material of all kinds is easily accessible through TV, movies, music videos, and the internet. Statistics have shown that the primary consumers of pornography are boys between the ages of 12 and 18. In fact, for many, pornography is their primary source of sexual education. The one thing that porn does not show is the results of their actions such as teenage pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases. Researchers even believe that exposure to pornography can also affect the natural development of a child’s brain. Health based neurological observations about the instinctual brain-imprinted response to pornographic sights and sounds indicate that viewing pornography is a biologically significant event that overrides inform consent.
Pornography shapes a child’s attitudes and influences behavior. The messages that they are sending out is that it is enticing primarily because they are fantasy and thus presented as more exciting than the real thing. Young teenagers that view porn are setting themselves up for unrealistic expectations which can lead to damaged relationships. Just by watching pornography it can destroy trust and openness, which are essential in a marriage. Since most of the time it is viewed in private, pornography can lead to deception and lying. It can actually become a habit for some. Some wonder exactly how widespread the tide of pornography has become. The spread of pornography has reached epidemic proportions all over the world. It seems that the main target is our children. Society is currently teaching our children that anything goes, all is permitted and there are no limits. It’s bad enough that young children are sent pornographic unsolicited advertisement’s in their email.
The government’s only way of protecting our children is to post a sign that says for Adult’s Only. So this means that the primary responsibility falls on parents. Even just reading pornography can lead to unhealthy and damaging attitudes on sex and marriage. If it can be easily accessed on a cell phone, we may not even realize what are children are viewing or even reading.
Those who have suggested this idea feel that they are exercising their freedom of speech. But is freedom of speech being abuse in this case? What they want to do is remove existing restrictions on freedom of speech and expression, regardless of the consequences. Can you even remember when even the slightest nudity was frowned on, when it was shown on TV? We will no longer have to be concerned with our children passing notes in class. Now we will have to wonder what images are being sent to their cell phones. This just means that parents are going to have to be more diligent in monitoring their children phones and i-pods. Maybe even taking a look at them on a daily basis.
According to one study, subscribers to adult oriented computer bulletin board systems were willing to pay monthly fees ranging from $20-$50. Even Time Magazine described one type of computer pornography as a grab bag of ‘deviant’ material that includes images of bondage, sadomasochism, urination, defecation, and sex acts with a barnyard full of animals.” The appearance of material like this on a public computer network, accessible to men, women, and children around the world, raises serious questions about the abuse of freedom of speech.
Once children figure out how to access this information, it will be almost impossible for parents to keep it away from their children. Even the most diligent parent will have a hard time protecting their children. The public should be made aware that a wholly uncontrolled medium exists through which children can be abused and exploited. Believe it or not civil libertarians are outraged over any efforts by Congress to restrict such things as computer pornography. What shocked me even more was what I read one law professor at New York Law School stated that sex on the internet and on mobile devices may actually be good for young people. She feels that is a safe space in which to explore the forbidden and the taboo. She even thinks that it is a good way for your child to learn about sex. You have got to be kidding me! I would really like to know if this lady has any kids or not. Parents should not try to push the responsibility of teaching sexual education to their children on society . The only way for them to learn correct and accurate information is for us to teach them.
The largest majority of people, who think this is a good idea, are university students. They are even willing to march in protest over what they consider an abridgment of their right of freedom of speech, if they do not allow them to access pornography through mobile devices. The bottom line is that it is up to parents to protect and teach their children. You can not leave it in the hands of the government; they have a hard enough time figuring out other things. So I would recommend before even giving your child a cell phone or an Ipod, explain what the harms of pornography are, and why they should avoid it. If there is something they have questions about tell them that they can come to you. I realize that this is a very touchy subject for a lot of parents, and it can be very difficult to discuss this topic with your children, but it is definitely necessary. It seems that there is really no way to stop these people from putting pornography on these mobile devices, so parents will have to find other ways to protect their kids.