Proven Methods for Preventing Mold in the Bathroom

Use Bath Mats in the Bathroom
Having a bath mat in front of the bathtub to step on to can help prevent the amount of water that is left on your bathroom floor after you take a bath or shower, or give your child or children a bath. In front of the bathroom sink and in front of the toilet are two places that can gather moisture, not as much as in front of the bathtub unless people dry off in front of the sink, but they still can collect any moisture on the floor in those areas and therefore prevent mold.
Wipe Down Your Toilet if it Heavily Sweats
Sometimes a toilet will sweat, collect moisture on the outside of it. If you feel that your toilet sweats enough moisture that it could cause mold to grow then you should wipe it down regularly.
Hang Towels and Wash Cloths Unwrinkled Up to Dry
When you are done using your bath towel hang it up so it is not folded or wrinkled and if it doesn’t fit on your bathroom towel rack unless you fold it, hang it over the shower until it is dry so you can fold it to fit on your bathroom towel rack completely dry. The same practice to prevent mold should be practiced with wash cloth or hand towel that you use in your bathroom.
Shake Your Toothbrush Before You Put It Away
Before you put your toothbrush away make sure that you shake it so it is not dripping water when you are done, if when it is not in use it is in a container let it air dry before you place into the container.
Ring Out Your Body Sponge and Avoid Wetting it When it is Not in Use
If when bathing you use a body sponge make sure that you ring it out after you are done with your shower or bath to help prevent mold. Another good thing that can prevent mold from growing in your bathroom is to make sure that your body sponge does not get wet if the water is running and you are not using it and ringing it out. Mind that you hang it or place somewhere where it is able to fully dry between uses.
When You Take a Shower or Bath Turn on The Bathroom Fan
Anytime that you take a bath or shower or give you child a bath you will want to turn the bathroom fan on. When the walls in the bathroom become moist mold could develop on them. Leave the fan on until the steam in the bathroom is gone.
Close the Shower Curtain and Place it on the Outside of the Bath
After you take a shower or bath or give your child a bath make sure to close that shower curtain to avoid mold developing on it. It is also helps to place the shower curtain on the outside of the tub so it is the least folded when you open it all the way.
Squeeze Water Out of Bath Toys
If your child has any squirting bath toys you will want to make sure that you squirt all of the water out of them so they can properly dry when they are not in use.
Keeping mold out of your bathroom is a very good idea so you will want to so some of these things if not all of them to ensure that you keep mold from growing in your bathroom.