Pug Dog: The City Dweller’s Best Pet Choice

They’re compact, expensive and almost adorable; that’s why everyone loves the pug. (They’ve been known to be called “chick magnets” because girls love them.) Not as gruesome as a bulldog, and not as ‘far gone’ as a Shar Pei (the wrinkle dog), the pug is a great choice for city dwellers. Because they are not considered a hound, or a “barking” breed, they usually don’t pose a problem with neighbors, either. Their agreeable temperament and low-maintenance care makes them the most appealing choice in the toy class. However, with all these wonderful attributes, the greatest reason to own a pug is because they’re so darned ugly!
A certain profile fits the Pug owner: usually sociable, they are accustomed to on-the-spot conversation. It is inevitable that wherever they go with the pet that conversation follows; and having a dog with a face that only the owner could love – they’re usually fun-loving, too. Owning a Pug will not cramp the independent person’s style, either. Because of the dog’s pushed-in muzzle, a short walk that requires no huffing and puffing is adequate. Make no mistake though; the Pug can go for a good long walk at an even gait.
Although the interesting history of the Pug varies from Holland, Russia and China before its introduction to America, it has been noted that Pug owners were commonly people of taste and refinement. In fact, history tells us that two Pugs were captured in the palace of the emperor during the siege of Peking. The temperament of the Pug was so agreeable that they were kept as companions for royalty and returned then to England.
Royalty or not – if you want a Pug today, you can get one! Let’s start at the beginning with owning a puppy. Pugs are a purebred dog so they’re apt to be expensive, however like any other purchase, with good bargaining skills one can find an affordable breeder close to where they live. Breeders can also (believe it or not) “ship” the Pug for those who choose to pay that cost. Of course, the animal travels under the safety guidelines of the FAA and is not mistreated in any way.
Because of their bodily construction, Pugs will need a little bit of extra caring. Ten extra minutes per week with the Pug will do the trick. Their ears in particular are prone to infection if not kept clean, and their wrinkled faces must also be gently cleaned with a soft cloth. That’s a small price to pay for a healthy pet. While only basic care is necessary, it behooves both the pet and the owner to go the extra mile in this department. Brushing any dog daily is healthy for the dog’s circulation and well-being. It just plain feels good! Also, brushing keeps the skin moisturized with natural oils which also promotes a nice shine to the coat. Most dogs shed due to dry skin; brushing can prevent this.
The Pug has its idiosyncrasies, too; because of their muzzle, they are prone to snoring! They also shed fur year-round. Although some Pug books state that this breed does not shed much, it remains to be proven. The best defense is brushing and creating a routine to vacuum in the dog’s area. Inclement weather may also be a factor in owning a pug. While no dog likes to do its business out in the rain, necessary arrangements should be made for owners who live in areas that receive heavy snows in the winter. Remember, the Pug is only eight inches high! Paper training early in puppy hood can prove useful during the winter months.
For those not ready for the puppy stage, Precious Pug Rescue is the perfect option. All animals from a rescue are clean and healthy. They come to their new owners with papers, veterinary records and often many “extras”. Not all rescued dogs are from abusive situations. Sometimes work or a change in family life forces great dog owners to part with their pet. It’s a nice gesture to drop an e-mail to let the previous owners know that their pet is being loved. It’s a great feeling to rescue an already-trained adult dog; there’s no paper training, no chewing stage and no whining in the night. Before adopting any pet, make sure to ask what “habits” the pet comes with.
Whether you are an urban or suburban person considering owning a pet, the Pug is an excellent choice for fun, companionship, and conversation! They’re adorably ugly, low maintenance and simply irresistible.