Pumpkin Carving Tips – Just in Time for Halloween

When buying a pumpkin choose one that is fresh, firm, and smooth. You want to make it as easy as possible to transfer your design onto your pumpkin as possible. Avoid buying pumpkins that are bruised or have soft spots as this will make the carving process more difficult. If you are not going to carve your pumpkin right away store it in a place that is cool and dry. Your pumpkin can also be stored in your refrigerator covered with plastic if you plan on carving it ahead of time. A good way to preserve your pumpkin is to put petroleum jelly around the cut edges to prevent it from drying out. If your pumpkin starts to decompose or shrivel, soak it in water for several hours to revive it.
Preparing Your Pumpkin
Prepare your fresh pumpkin by carving a six-sided lid on top of the pumpkin. To cut out the lid, cut at an angle towards the center of the pumpkin. Clean out the pulp and the seeds. Choose an area on the pumpkin where you want to carve your design and thin this area on the inside by scraping away the pulp until it is about 1″ thick.
Carving Your Pumpkin
Choose your pattern and attach it to the pumpkin using tape. You can also use a marker to draw your design onto the pumpkin. Using a craft knife start cutting out your design. For more detailed work you may want to use a push pin to make holes, about an 1/8th of an inch apart, along your design. This will make the cutting process easier. It is best to start in the center of your design so that you avoid putting pressure on these areas. When you come to corners on your design, don’t twist your knife. Pull it out and re-insert it. Cut at a perpendicular angle with a continuous up and down motion. The pieces should come loose enough that you can push them out with your fingers.
Create a “Chimney”
Once you have completed carving your pumpkin, you can carefully place a candle inside and light it. Replace the lid on your pumpkin and allow the smoke to blacken a spot on the inside of the pumpkin. Using your knife cut a 1″ diameter hole where the smoke and heat can come out of the pumpkin. For safety issues you may also use a flashlight instead of a candle in your pumpkin.