Purchasing a Custom Home has Its Drawbacks

1) She asked that the home be built with an elevator in order to go from one floor to another. This reduced her pool of possible buyers because a lot of people did not like the noise produced, the electric used or the maintenance that it would require.
2) She had a glass room in her bedroom instead of wood, which make a lot of people run from the house. There are not many people who would like others to see them in bed so this scared many people away.
3) She also had her standard toilets taken out and she put in the French toilets that wash you. However, they are very large so a lot of people felt they would fall in and did not like the novelty of the French bowl so this killed at least two possible deals.
4) She also had a room knocked down so that she would have an extra large living room much like a nursing home. Many people said this made them feel uncomfortable and reduced the useable space in the house, which they did not like.
5) She also had a dirt field put into the back of the house so that she could ride an ATV. However, for someone who does not ride a bike it looked bad and would have cost a lot of money to replace. This ruined a lot of deals that she had on the table also which she realized too late.