Put Clutter Back into Circulation

You’d love to toss it out but don’t do that just yet, says Hunter Hauk. “If your home is filled with clutter we’ve got someone who can help you turn your headache into someone else’s relief,” said Hauk. Dallas, TX resident Jennifer Humes calls herself “The Clutter Queen,” a title that Hauk says brings to the imagination thoughts of a matriarchal ruler barking orders at stacks of old magazines and never-used food processors.

“Turns out Humes (clutterqueen.com) is simply a Texas A & M University accounting grad with a talent for helping clients declutter their homes and get their personal business affairs in order,” states Hauk. “An avid recycler of all materials, Humes gives her clients tips on how to thoughtfully dispose of the items they want out of their lives.”

“The benefit of charitable recycling is that you’re not filling up a landfill and you’re helping out someone else who’s in need,” says Humes.

Here are ten ways to recycle charitably according to Humes:

Old cell phones – One recent article stated that a nonprofit organization, The Wireless Foundation collects cell phones to distribute to victims of domestic violence and provide funds for charities to help them get back on their feet. Send phones to Call To Protect, 2555 Bishop Circle West, Dexter, MI 48130. They also can be taken to one of seven Dallas locations listed at wirelessfoundation.org/calltoprotect.

Athletic shoes – According to the article Nike has a program called Reuse-A-Shoe that collects old sneakers, grinds them up and turns them into material for community play spaces such as basketball courts and running tracks. For more information, go to nikereuseashoe.com.

Business clothing – Dress For Success provides low-income adults with business-appropriate clothing for the job-hunting process according to Glamour Magazine who featured them in a story awhile back. See dressforsuccess.org.

Books – The Prisoners’ Reading Encouragement Project does just that, writes Humes. He suggests mailing boxes of books at the cheaper media postage rate to Annette Johnson, Prisoners

Reading Encouragement Project, 145 Nassau Street, #3-D, New York, NY 10038 or look up prisonreader.org on the web.

Baby stuff – Newborns In Need gives clothes and supplies to low-income families of premature and newborn babies, according to a recent interview. Go to newbornsinneed.org for details.

Lumber and building materials – Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity accepts items ranging from lumber to electrical appliances according to their website dallas-habitat.org.

Eyeglasses – Drop off your old specs at any one of several area LensCrafters stores and they’ll be cleaned up and sent to people in developing countries, says staff.

Indoor and patio furniture – Humanity United in Giving Internationally (HUG) helps refugees furnish their homes and make a new start in the U.S according to recent reports. For more information go to huginternationally.org/dallas.htm.

Computers – The National Cristina Foundation donates computer equipment to special education programs for people with disabilities, states their mission. For how to go about it, see cristina.org.

Media and office supplies – There’s no specific organization or address here because where you take this stuff depends on your neighborhood, says Humes.

Pet supplies – Donate these to your local Humane Society, no-kill animal shelters, and various pet rescue groups.

Recovery books or inspirational materials – Give to halfway houses or sobriety recovery groups locally which are sometimes listed in the phone book under alcohol rehabilitation. You can also donate these items to a nearby alcohol rehab treatment center.

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