Putting Life Back into an Old Patio Set

As summer approaches you may have an old patio set that looks like it’s standing on it’s last leg. Or perhaps you found one at a local thrift store, that still has good bones, but need a little touching up. Below you will find a few tips that will help you make your patio set look new again. Just in time for barbecue season.

1. Give it a good cleaning

Give your outside patio furniture a good cleaning first. Spraying it down with a garden hose will help to get all of the dirt and grime off of the furniture. It will also make it easier when you are ready to paint. If you have a power washer you may find it easier to use this to get the dirt out of those really hard to reach spaces.

2. Fresh Paint Job

If you have metal patio furniture a fresh coat of spray paint may do the job. Or if you have a wooden set a fresh coat of paint may help to bring the life back into your patio furniture. You can even paint wicker a different color which may help give it a fresh new look.

3. New Cushions

When it comes to the cushions for the chairs you have an option. You can choose to purchase some which may be a good option if you can find a deal. Usually during the spring months you should have no problem finding a nice deal on patio furniture cushions. Of course if you want to be even more frugal you could consider making the cushions yourself.

4. A little bit of sanding

Old wooden furniture could just need a bit of sanding down to give it a really fresh, clean and new look. It may take a bit of time to sand down the chairs, but it will make it look even better, and will make the paint job on top look even smoother when you are all done.

5. Choose a bright color

Instead of going with the same color that you had before, why not choose a brighter color to really give the furniture new life. It may even be a color that you have never thought about before. For example have you ever considered going with a bright yellow? Doing this can really add a touch of spring or summer to your patio furniture. Take the time to pick out just the right color, since it can make a huge difference in the end.

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