Putting the Finishing Touches on Your Cross Stitch Project

Anyone looking around the walls of an accomplished cross stitcher is sure to notice a lot of mounted and framed cross stitch projects. Many times, every available space is covered. What should a cross stitcher do? Creating more wall space to display your artwork isn’t a viable choice. Mounting and framing seems to be the default finish option for cross stitch projects. Fortunately cross stitchers have multiple finish options to consider as they complete their project.

One popular alternative to mounting and framing a cross stitch project is to incorporate the unfinished project into another craft project. A pillow top could include a panel with a cross stitch scene in it. Or the side of a tote bag almost begs to be decorated with a fun cross stitch motif. Simply using the cross stitch fabric as one piece in the final project construction allows a plethora of items to become a showcase of cross stitch talents.

Fabric projects aren’t the only ones that can seamlessly integrate unfinished cross stitch projects into their completed presentation. An abundance of wood accessories from companies like Sudberry House allow the avid cross stitcher to create functional items to put their cross stitch on display. Jewelry boxes, trays, and clocks are just a few of the myriad of choices available for cross stitchers. One company even offers a footstool designed to accept needlework.

Another finish option for cross stitch is to stitch the cross stitch work on a practical object from the beginning. Numerous companies manufacture hand towels with areas suitable to cover with cross stitch. Some even feature different shaped areas to accommodate cross stitch elements of different sizes. Baby gifts and table linens are also easily accessible products to adorn with cross stitch.

The more experienced cross stitcher isn’t limited only to products that were originally intended to display cross stitch work. With the use of a little waste canvas, almost any fabric item can be improved with some cross stitch detail. Motifs can be added to sweaters; the hem a little girls dress can become a place for a little artistic expression. The options are only restricted by the cross stitcher’s imagination.

Seasonal decorations also provide a range of finish options for cross stitchers. Many needlework companies produce Christmas stockings or ornaments to be embellished with cross stitch. In this case, the cross stitcher can create items that have special places to be displayed. What could feel more special than handcrafted stockings hanging on the mantel or a Christmas tree decorated with ornaments that were lovingly created with the recipient in mind?

Once the creative juices start flowing, it becomes apparent that there are virtually limitless ways to finish and display cross stitch without using the standard method of framing and mounting. Let’s start stitching and finding more ways to incorporate the needle arts into everyday items.

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