Questions to Ask when Renting an Apartment: Ten Topics You May Forget

Most people consider the obvious when viewing an apartment – like the cost of rent, the inclusion of utilities, whether there’s laundry downstairs, and how maintenance is handled. But beyond these basic concerns, some folks busy themselves with mentally decorating the space and thus forget to investigate the less obvious or immediate aspects of the apartment. Here are ten questions to ask when renting an apartment.

Questions to ask when renting an apartmentâÂ?¦#1. When the lease is up, will it automatically convert to a month-to-month agreement, or will you be obligated to sign a new lease? How much notice is required? People often fuss over the move-in details so much that they forget about the move-out details, which can be equally important. Don’t gloss over them just because they’re in the future.

Questions to ask when renting an apartmentâÂ?¦#2. Are you allowed to sublet the apartment? Some rental companies specifically write “no sublet” provisions into their leases. While few people sign a lease planning to sublet, that’s exactly why you should inquire up front: you never know if your circumstances might change. It’s nice to know that you’re free to sublet if, all of a sudden, a job requires you to move from Portland to Pittsburgh. Otherwise, you might end up losing a security deposit by moving out mid-lease from a no-sublet apartment.

Questions to ask when renting an apartmentâÂ?¦#3. How many civic complaints have been filed against the landlord or the rental company? Are the taxes on the building current? While you may not want to ask the person who’s showing you the place, you can easily call the appropriate city office and make sure that nothing’s shady about the property. Especially if tenant-friendly municipalities,

Questions to ask when renting an apartmentâÂ?¦#4. Can the walls be painted? I had an unwitting friend who painted his walls bright orange and then acted with indignance when the property manager noticed them from outside and explained that the lease forbade such modifications. (Incidentally, he was allowed to keep the orange walls but the company asserted that they – not he – would paint them back at his cost after he vacated.) Find out in advance what modifications you’re allowed to make.

Questions to ask when renting an apartmentâÂ?¦#5. What will the apartment be like during other seasons? If you look at a place during warm and sunny July, you may not be thinking about cold and snowy January – and vice versa. If looking in the winter, think about how hot the place might get during July and whether you’ll need an air conditioner. Or consider, if you’re on a popular street, whether people will be loudly congregating below your apartment when the weather’s nice. Likewise, if looking during the summer, check out the insulation on the windows, ask about the consistency of the hot water, and see how restrictive the snow parking regulations are (if you plan to park a car on the street).

Questions to ask when renting an apartmentâÂ?¦#6. Ask about the last time the rent on the apartment was raised. If it’s been, say, two years and you’re about to sign a short lease (i.e. six months), there’s a darn good chance your rent will climb a notch come lease renewal time. While you aren’t in control of rent increases when they do happen, you can try to foresee them.

Questions to ask when renting an apartmentâÂ?¦#7. People without pets sometimes forget to ask about pet policies. If you don’t have a Fido or a Fifi yet, then it may not occur to you. But if you suspect there’s even a remote possibility you (or any roommates) might come home with a puppy cutely tucked into a jacket, find out now whether pets are allowed or if extra fees apply.

Questions to ask when renting an apartmentâÂ?¦#8. As any apartment dweller can tell you, your neighbors can make a difference in your experience. Try to find out who lives around you if possible. You can’t control whether they stay their throughout your tenancy, but it’s nice to know whether you’re dealing with single grandmas or groups of college students.

Questions to ask when renting an apartment�#9. What are the security features like? Are there cameras in the common areas, and if so, how do you feel about that? Have any burglaries or violent crimes have recently occurred on the premises? While some landlords and leasing agents may be loathe to share that information, they should disclose it to you if you ask.

Questions to ask when renting an apartmentâÂ?¦#10. Until you get all your belongings in the apartment, you’ll never know exactly how your furniture and other belongings will fit – or not fit. Don’t forget to ask about storage spaces, as many buildings have lockers or rooms including in the price of the rent or available for a surcharge.

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