Quick Holiday House Cleaning Tips

T’is the season to be jolly.

Not to mention being a perfect housekeeper.

Now is the time for us to invite everyone in creation in to our homes for holiday parties. Unfortunately that means amping up house cleaning for those fussy and nosy guests who will scrutinize even the tiniest smudge. That’s great if you’re home 24/7 and on top of every spill and dust bunny. However most of us work and then we’re home, we’re not there. Our time is spent chauffeuring kids from one thing to another or running errands. How to remedy this? Do what I do – rely on the Dynamic Trio – Pledge pre-moistened dust wipes. Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush and Mr. Clean Magic Erase sponges. These items will definitely help you achieve that perfect look just hours before your company arrives.

The first thing your guests will notice is dust so make dusting your number one priority on cleaning day. Any grocery or large chain store such as Target or Wal-Mart will carry pre-moistened dust wipes. Some stores such as the A&P will carry their own brand under the name America’s Choice. Generic brands are just as good as the national brand so if you want to save a few pennies then by all means, buy the in house version. Dust wipes are great for not only cleaning flat surfaces but faceted ones too. I use them to clean my chandelier’s crystal drops. Wrap the wipe around each one and then give it a brisk rubbing. They’ll sparkle like new within seconds. This is definitely less messier than just spritzing them with Windex and then letting the cleanser drip down on paper towels. Also you can clean the candle cups better as well with the wipes, getting into any ornate details. If you want a more thorough dusting rag, then stock up on Pledge’s unscented cloths that are a guaranteed forty per cent thicker than the pre-moistened wipes. These are for heavy duty dusting or for home owners with allergies. Remember to dust lamp shades and picture frames , not just the furniture and end tables. Annoyingly, dust settles everywhere so have an eagle eye when you finish. There may be one forgotten corner that will be scrutinized by some fastidious guest. Make sure every inch of your living and dining areas are dust free.Run a new pre-moistened wipe over everything again to pick up any lef remaining dirt. Another tip is to keep your house a little cooler than normal on party day. Heat creates dust and that’s the last thing you need after just polishing your furniture.

The next big hurdle is your bathroom. Women guests will judge you and your party’s success just by how spotless your toilet is. There’s nothing to fear here. In fact cleaning it is fast and painless. Just use Johnson and Johnson’s Scrubbing Bubbles’ Flushable Fresh Brush. This is an excellent tool for getting rid of any hard water stains along with the usual toilet gook that accumulates in the bowl and on its’ rim. It consists of two long pieces that are snapped together to form a handle . Then just tear off a pad from the accompanying pack , clamp at the handle’s end and just dip and swirl. Within seconds a fresh smelling cleanser is released and you then use the pad as a scrubber . Just press the rod’s button and the pad is then ejected and flushed. You can also use any of the other Scrubbing Bubble Cleansers to clean your shower as well as your sink. Also have a can of the deodorizer Oust by Glade at hand to rid the air of bacteria and bad smells. Spray this every hour or so during your party to refresh your john.

Perhaps your best helper for cleaning is the Mr. Clean Magic Erase sponge. This is a modern marvel that can work in any room. It looks like a regular sponge but has a special solvent that will wipe the dirt off anything! Each box has a set of four sponges but to be honest you can use the same one over and over again just by rinsing it out. You usually discard them when they become crumpled or flattened from too much usage. One sponge can definitely help you clean your house on party day.. The sponge is great for cleaning out any sink or bath dirt rings (and trust me – your guests will also judge you by how clean your tub and sinks are). It just takes a little elbow grease and one of these to get a clean white surface again. Also the Magic Erase sponges are great at cleaning cabinets and countertops as well as stovetops and microwaves. I love using them to clean walls as well because the wall looks not only clean but just painted. Keep these for after party clean ups too. They can get rid of any messy stains that will be splashed either on the counter or up against your kitchen backsplash.

Use the Dynamic Trio when you ‘re party prepping your house this holiday season . They make cleaning and scrubbing a lot easier on you. Just whip out the Pledge pre-moistened dust wipes, the Scrubbing Bubbles Flushable Fresh Brush and the Mr. Clean Magic Erase sponges. You’ll have a fresh, clean house just in time for your big do!

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