Quick Silk Plant Touches for Your Home

Silk plants are expensive when you purchase them in arrangements but you can purchase the silks at a craft or department store and make the arrangements yourself. Although the individual silk plants are still somewhat pricey you can make magnificent swags and other arrangements and save quite a bit of money over purchasing them already made.

To make the most impressive arrangements start with quality silks rather than cheap plastic plants. Purchase plenty of vine-like pieces since they’re cheaper and will offer lots of greenery in your arrangement. And, by using lots of greenery you will use less of the more pricey colored silks.

Purchase several different green vines, two or three colored flower choices that compliment each other, then look for some unique pieces, such as cattails or baby buds. In the silk plant department you’ll also find green wires and floral tape that will help you to make just about any arrangement. The wires help to make the silks stand upright, such as in a vase.

To make a swag for above a mirror, portrait or doorway cut three green wires to the appropriate length. Swags can be as large or small as you wish. They can also hang horizontally or be made to curve around an oval mirror. Arrange the wires, side-by-side, on a table. Gather them in the center and use the tape to hold them. This should give you a shape similar to a bow tie.

Start by taping the ivy, vines and other greenery to each of the wires. Make sure some pieces flair outward, away from the wires. Try not to lay each vine straight across the wires. Instead, arrange the pieces to go from the center wire, upwards, or from the center wire, outwards. Strive for a look of vines and other greens that have grown over the wire. In areas that are difficult to tape use the floral wire to attach the vines and other greenery.

As you get ready to add the colored flowers remember to keep them symmetrical for a swag arrangement. When you place a flower, or group of flowers, on one side make sure to place a similar group on the opposite side. Begin arranging the flowers in small bunches, in particular spots, then go to single pieces here and there. Basically there should be at least one bunch towards each end and a larger bunch arranged in the center. Single pieces can be scattered all over.

When the design is completed bend a piece of floral wire to make a hanger on the backside. Bend the long wires downward to make the swag hang over an oval or round shape, or leave it horizontal to hang over a long mirror or portrait. You can also lay it on top of a bookcase, mantel or cabinet.

Another easy arrangement to do is made in a planter of any shape or size. Start by placing a styrene shape in the bottom to hold the floral wires. Attach the wires to reeds and arrange them in a grouping that stands straight up. Now choose some shorter fern leaves to place in various spots around the arrangement. Begin adding flowers to the arrangement but make sure they are not all the same height. Leave the floral wire off a piece or two and let them hang over the front vase. Finish by placing some short reeds or leaf pieces here and there between the flowers.

For small touches of silk plants and greenery throughout the house try making an arrangement in a coffee cup for the kitchen, a squat vase or small basket for the bathroom, or even in a shoe. Glue small arrangements onto the corner of a picture frames or a wall picture. Since silks won’t freeze in the winter like real plants do make some arrangements for your front porch or walkway. You’ll find plenty of other places to add the silks and will soon have elegance all around your house.

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