Quick Tank Top Makeovers

What woman doesn’t own dozens of tank tops? Okay, some women don’t wear them, but for the most part, tank tops are essential parts of the average woman’s wardrobe. The problem is, when you purchase them at the store the choices are all the same: assorted colors, wide strap or spaghetti strap, belly-length or hip-length.

You can purchase an assortment of the same basic tops, then use a few sewing and embellishing techniques to make each one look like a costly one-of-a-kind number. Or, just find a tank top you like, buy several, and add a few of your own touches to the creation.

There are lots of ways to change tank tops from their original store-bought version. For example, if your tank has spaghetti straps you can easily add a braided strap instead. Tack a strap onto each side of the original strap, at the front. The new straps can be the same color as the original, two different colors, or both can be the same color. Braid them with the middle one and tack the ends at the back. Do this to both straps and your tank has a whole new look. The new straps can be cording from a sewing department, or straps you’ve sewn yourself.

Another way to dress up a tank top is to braid cording or straps together, then attach them to the hem and neck areas of the top. This gives a little more of a dressy look to the tank. Besides cording you can use lace, ribbon or other flat notions to sew onto the tank. You’ll find a wide selection of printed and plain ribbons at a notions store.

There are quick things you can do with elastic that will completely change the look of the top. Sew quarter-inch elastic down each side seam, from underarm area to hem. This will draw the sides up and give the tank a scrunched look that’s really cute. If there are no side seams, lay the shirt on a table, inside-out, and mark where the seams should be, then sew the elastic to the mark.

You can also use a small elastic piece to make the bust line look different. Use a quarter-inch piece of elastic, at the top center, and zig-zag stitch the elastic vertically, at the breast area. Stretch the elastic somewhat, as you stitch it in, to make the shirt pucker. This design will make the bust look larger. Use a 3″ long piece for bra sizes A and B, and a 4″ long piece for larger C or D cups.

Cut a design out on the tank top, like a butterfly, then use lace to replace the cut-out. Use a stencil to mark the area that you want to cut. After cutting the design out of the top, simply stitch the lace onto the backside. Use a zig-zag stitch around the perimeter of the new design, to secure it. You don’t have to have a definite design in mind. Just cut a slash into the tank, and replace it with lace of the same color or a different color. In place of lace you can also use any stretchy cloth.

Cut the side seams out of the tank and use spaghetti straps, or even decorative shoe laces, to lace the top on the sides. You can do this to the front or back as well. If undergarments show where you don’t want them to, use a piece of cloth that attaches to the shirt, behind the laces.

A quick way to change the tank without sewing is to use fabric paints. They dispense from a small squirt bottle making it easy to hand-write any number of sayings, initials, or names. The paints come in selections like glitter, metallic, pearl or neon.

Another no-sewing technique is to use fabric glue and rhinestones or sequin to decorate the shirt. Write or draw with the fabric glue, then use tweezers to arrange the stones or sequin. You’ll find zillions of choices for stones and other bling when you visit craft or sewing supply places. No sewing is needed, either, when you simply purchase cheap white tanks and spray-dye them yourself. You’ll find the pump spray dyes at most craft stores.

Tank tops are a fabulous way to stay cool in warm weather, but yours don’t have to be plain and ordinary. Try sewing on your choice of appliques, cutting an image from another piece of cloth and stitching it to the tank, or sewing a fancy stitch, in a contrasting color, around the hem and neckline. Then get ready to hear one question over and over: “Where’d you get that fabulous tank top?”

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