Quick and Inexpensive Father’s Day Crafts

Father’s Day is Dad’s special day, and even if he might not tell you, he really doesn’t want any more ties. There are plenty of quick crafts you can do to make Dad happy this time, most of which cost very little.

One craft that costs pennies but will keep on giving is a coupon book printed from your home computer. The only cost is the paper and he’ll love this gift. Print various coupons, all the same size, then staple them together with a cover sheet that tells him “Happy Father’s Day”. The coupons can be for things Dad will appreciate, like getting his car washed whenever he wishes, having you bring him breakfast in bed, or taking out the trash for him. You can make as many coupons, or as few, as you want. When Dad’s ready to cash in, all he has to do is tear out the appropriate coupon and have you do what it says. It’s a fabulous gift that can be as extravagant as you want to make it. And, it’s the perfect gift for any dad – even hard to please ones. You can offer coupons to run his errands, take him to dinner, fix his favorite meal, give him a day of peace and quiet, or just bring him his slippers.

An easy craft for young kids is to make Dad a coffee mug. Purchase inexpensive, solid-color mugs at a dollar-theme store, then let the kids paint their names on the mug, or just the word “Dad”. You can purchase ceramic paints that will hold up well on the mug. Be sure and use a clear-coat spray to help preserve the paints.

Teens can easily make Dad a cute candle that will always remind him of you, and his favorite pastime. Even if Dad doesn’t burn many candles, he can use it as a paperweight on his desk. Purchase gel wax which sets up clear. Buy a clear glass, mug, or bowl so the trinket(s) that you put in the glass will show well. If Dad is a NASCAR fan, make a candle or mug with NASCAR trinkets inserted in the glass. If he’s crazy about fishing, put some colored sand in the bottom, position a small craft boat, a craft anchor, or other novelties. Pour gel wax over the top and insert a wick, which is optional. No matter what Dad’s favorite pastime is, you can find the miniatures you need at a large craft store.

Tee shirts are inexpensive, when you purchase the regular solid-color varieties. Little kids can paint their hands and position them on the shirt, then write their names under the hand prints. Or you can write things on it like, “World’s Best Dad” or just “Dad”. Tee shirt paints are very inexpensive and go a long way. They’re available in a tube that makes it easy to write directly on the shirt. If you’d rather, you can get an iron-on transfer to make the shirt. Iron-ons are available in zillions of images, like sports, cars, motorcycles, funny sayings, and more.

Purchase an ordinary ball cap then write “Dad” or “#1” on the hat. This is a very easy craft for young school kids to do. Since the fabric paints squirt directly out of the bottle, the kids can write a cute saying or just draw a ball bat or boat using stencils. Dad will love this gift, even more so knowing it came from those who love him.

Make Dad a quick hammock by using a sheet and some rope. Snip the ends of the hem, at the top of the flat sheet, and push the rope through the hem. At the other end, fold over and make a hem, then slide the rope through. Instead of a sheet you can also use netting. Scrunch the sheet tightly on each end then tie the ropes between trees or splurge and get a hammock stand. What dad wouldn’t love a nice summer day in a hammock under a shade tree?

A different way to make a hammock with a sheet is to fold the sheet over a couple of times, on one end, then position it between two boards and nail the boards together, trapping the sheet – and the roping – in between the two boards. Do the same to the other end. Gather all the rope ends and tie them into a knot. Do the same to the other side. Now the hammock is ready to hang.

If you have money to spend, some of Dad’s favorite gifts could include game or concert tickets, gift certificates to places he frequents, like his haircut place, his favorite jeans shop, his favorite restaurant, or to the movies.

Dads do so much for the world, and if you’re like most, your dad is very important to you. Do something extra special for Dad this year and he’ll not only appreciate it, but you’ll feel great about the gift you chose as well.

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