Raid Double Control Ant Bait Really Did Kill The Pesky Bugs

Every year we have tiny ants on the back wall in our kitchen. They are a nuisance because they get into our dog food. Once again we had them. I’ve always used Raid ant traps but tried a different Raid product called Double Control Ant Baits.

Four square ant traps with two types of food that ants eat are in each container. The package claims that Raid Double Control will kill the colony and keep killing them for three months.

The traps are good for Argentine ant, Cornfield ants, Black Carpenter ants, Pharaoh Ants and other household ants. I don’t know what we had but they were tiny and in huge quantities.

The pack of four costs about $4.00 which is very reasonable. The way the bait works is the ants carry the bait food back to the nest. The queen and the colony are killed by eating the bait.

It can be used anywhere. Although the Baits are packaged in a child proof container I would not put one anywhere near a place my child could get a hold of these baits.

They are very easy to use. All four are supposed to be used at one time. I broke apart the baits since they wee connected and put them on the ledge in front of my kitchen wall. You can look inside with a flashlight to see if the traps have to be replaced. They last for about three months but if your experience is like mine then you won’t need them for three months.

I put them down and within two days every ant was gone. I could see them going to the bait and then heading to wherever they were living. I still have the bait in place just in case but in another few days I’ll dispose of the baits.

The baits should be stored in a cool, dry area. I bought two packages and put one under my sink. There are specific disposing instructions including recycling the plastic if you can.

The active ingredient in Raid Double Control is .05% Avermectin B1.

These are hazardous to humans and animals so use them carefully. Try not to come into too much contact with these Baits and after putting the down wash your hands.

These worked for us and our ants. I would highly recommend Raid Double Control Ant Baits. I was going to buy the Raid baits I’ve used in the past which worked and are a bit less money but decided to go with the more expensive baits. I was having company in two days and needed these ants gone! Raid didn’t let me down.

Raid is an SC Johnson Company.

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