Random Organizing Tips – Little Bit of This and That

Here are a few suggestions on organizing from makeup to keepsakes to magazines.

In my closet I have boxes of separate things. I have a place for my bills in a spectra file. I have a box for my goodies, a box for my letters (keeping in touch with family and friends), a box for the miscellaneous stuff we all have but hardly ever use (owner manuals, information on your kids toy, etc.), and a box for my old keepsakes. Things I won in elementary and high school, awards, letters, just a bunch of different things that are sentimental to me. Doing this and labeling the boxes will help make your space more organized. Remembering to put the items where they go when you are done with them is the hard part!

Putting all your photos in photo albums makes a world of difference. Or if you like scrapbooking, go through your photos and choose the ones you would want to use in a book and then file the rest in an album. This way there’s no more digging that certain photo you remember seeing months ago when you were looking through them for a different one!

If your children are like my daughter, they have toys out the wazoo! I went through all her toys and donated the ones that she never played with or that were too young for her that would get better use at a different home. Then I put them in bins, etc, so that we can easily pick up her room and not take 20 minutes doing it. If they have a lot of stuffed animals you might want to look into getting a shelf to put them all on or a net that hangs from the ceiling. These are found to be very handy!

I have found that in the kitchen that having what you need around the area you use it is essential to having an organized kitchen. For instance, I use a cabinet above my stove for all my spices, etc. Then I use a cabinet closest to the refrigerator for my glasses. Makes sense you want something to drink, you just open the cabinet right there and then the fridge. Plates are above the stove, as well as bowls, and casserole dishes, etc. Having your pot holders in a drawer close by saves time or having them hanging up where you can just grab them when needed. For those spur of the moment, got to hurry and grab the pan, kind of times. I’m sure most people already do this, but if you don’t you should try it.

Having a laundry basket in each room comes in handy when gathering laundry. Or if you have your baskets by your washer and dryer, using one for colors, one for whites, and one for delicates saves the time of sorting before you can actually do your laundry. Or sorting them to whatever you would need, either way, it’s a wonderful idea.

I hope some of these have helped and if you have more suggestions, please let me know!

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