Real Estate Marketing and Direct Mail: Ways to Persuade Clients to Go Online

Real estate marketing and direct mail may sound like two things that don’t necessarily go together in the era of online marketing. As much as real estate agents are starting to market themselves avidly on social media and through blogging, they may not stop and realize what they’re missing by advertising in direct mail. Going the latter route can provide something that’s easy to track and a money saver for a marketing budget.

But it’s the details of how you present your direct mail that’s going to be the real clincher in how successful it is. While you might find it ironic, your direct mail campaign should actually clearly convey how to interact with you online.

Yes, it’s all part of direct mail complementing the online marketing process.

Provide Clear Contact Information

When sending a direct mailing, doing something as simple as clear contact information may not get the attention it should. Far too many businesses inexplicably don’t bother to place contact information on their websites. The same might happen on a real estate agent’s direct mailing due to focus on other information that tries to impress the prospective client.

Place a clear email address or phone number right at the top of the card or flyer so it isn’t missed. It should be in bold so it’s the first thing that people see ahead of any other fonts, graphics, pictures or information that shows your real estate credentials.

QR Codes

While some people might consider QR codes to be nothing but a fad, they’re still being used. Placing one on your direct mailing card can help bring the mobile world to your plan as one of the most vital fields to nurture in real estate. Entice those prospective clients to use the QR code by promising to provide some kind of valuable inside information not found anywhere else. Make sure the QR code links directly to your website where you can display that content through an exclusive page.

Providing a Clear Website Address

You should clearly provide your web address alongside your other contact information just in case some clients don’t want to use QR codes. Keep your URL as short and simple as possible so people can remember it just by seeing it once. Depending on your personal preferences, you might want to place it at the very top of the direct mail card.

It may seem strange to promote the online world through direct mail. Regardless, a well-designed mailing can potentially grab more attention in a mailbox than when seen in the crowded atmosphere of social media.

Being Eye-Catching Through Targeted Messages

Consider doing targeted real estate messages for certain demographics with your direct mailings. By providing a compelling message about housing on the front of your mailing, it’s going to stand out in the increasingly emptier mailboxes of America. Because most people are paying their bills online as well as advertising there, a standout mailing will take people by surprise.

Seeing a targeted and compelling message about housing for older people or info about homes near schools for families promotes stand-alone attention that’s likely to gain you a bevy of clients.

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