Reality TV Meets Conservationist Ed Bagley Jr

Ed Bagley Jr.s HGTV show “Living With Ed” has a rather unique twist on any other shows that are seen on HGTV. With each show you will learn how Ed and Rachelle Bagley live their lives in Studio City, California, rather than in the plush lifestyle of Beverly Hills.

Each show takes you through the day in the life of “Living With Ed” the environmentalist. Ed Bagley, Jr loves using innovative ways to create an environmentally friendly efficient home. The environmentally friendly products and other resources that Ed uses throughout their home saves money and saves the environment through using solar panels to recycling of many products.

The white picket fence that surrounds the Bagley home is constructed of recycled milk jugs. The milk jugs are melted down and pressed into a prefab plastic fence. Ed has had solar panels installed to generate electricity for their home.

In one of the episodes, Ed Bagley explained why there is a need to “wash” the solar panels at least twice a year, but Ed also stated that living in California with the smog, the solar panels will need to be rinsed off more often. Ed Bagley noticed with a regular maintenance of the solar panels will allow them to generate more electrical power over solar panels that are not maintained in this fashion.

Ed Bagley uses solar ovens to cook food and to conserve even more energy. Ed and Rachelle have had their debates over the solar ovens. Their debates are over the size and the need for two solar powered ovens. Rachelle thinks they are too large for their backyard and they take up too much space.

Another conservation project that Ed embarked upon was to gather rainwater from the gutter spouts as the rain came down the spouts. Ed Bagley purchased two 50 gallon plastic orange drums that would catch the rain that could be used to water their various vegetation throughout their small yard. By cutting off the drain spouts to place the barrels, Rachelle was not having any part of this particular conservation idea due to the esthetic the barrels were causing to the house.

Rachelle replaced her kitchen counter tops with recycled glass counter tops. The recycled glass counter tops have bits and pieces of various types broken glass embedded into the counter tops. While you may think this an odd unattractive style of counter top, they are actually very attractive. The counter tops come in a variety of colors and styles of glass. The style Rachelle chose for her kitchen counters, were the old-style glass soda bottles that had been broken down and embedded into the counter tops.

While “Living With Ed” lends itself more toward the reality style of television, the twist is his ideas are real and actually can be useful, used by everyone, and educational.

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