Reality TV Show Idea: At Home Boot Camp

“Nanny 911” took television by storm when it came out with its hit TV show that targeted spoiled children who behaved in the worst possible manners. Going a step beyond, I would like to introduce a reality show that targets teens and their horrid and some times criminal behavior.

Imagine all the teens that are sent to boot camp, and youth camps designed to change their behavior to a decent contributing member of society.

Each parent who believes their child is the worst, calls in and one family is selected. A drill sergeant comes to the home and stays for one month. The drills sergeant sleeps in the home and never leaves, cleaning up his/her attitude toward their family and friends. Basically it will be a boot camp within their confines of their own home.

With cameras mounted in every room the audience will get to witness first hand the changes that can be made as they happen and the breaking down of the often emotional walls that have been built up around specific teens.

The is sure to have a large following as boot camps and other drastic measures are becoming increasingly popular for out of control teenagers. For this one month period they will be home schooled by the drill instructor.

Hopefully this will act as a ‘scared straight’ video for violent teens who have resorted to criminal behaviors. For them to see fellow teens, that they may or may not know, having to go through this “home boot camp” it may just deter them from treating their own parents in an unbecoming manner. This will be a line drawn and another boundary crossed as most teenagers today think that if they can manipulate their parents they can manipulate everyone. A lot of parents are becoming scared of their kids especially those into gangs and drugs, so this is a way to give control back to the parents and guardians.

At the end of each season, a follow up of each and every child will air. It will hopefully show a re-shaped individual who is ready to live a decent life. That way the whole process from begging to end, seeing the problem, addressing the problem, fixing the problem and following up to make sure the problem did not come back will be viewed by families everywhere in hopes that parents can take back control in their own homes.

Talk shows such as “Maury”, “Montel”, etc have done many episodes on this time of “turn around” in teen behavior, this is a positive tool that can help parents who desperately need it. The goal of this reality TV show is to enlighten not only kids all across the nation as to the consequences of their actions but can also help in situations of single mothers and grandparents are raising the children.

Today’s teens society has set heir own standards and it is only getting worse. More teens today are going to juvenile hall, for drugs, auto theft, vandalism, and gang activities that parents and legal guardians aren’t sure how to handle. Parents are usually meant to feel bad if they punish their children so the fear and respect that was once present in every parent/child relationship has been eliminated. Regaining ground in a family foundation is only the first step to making our society worth living without the presence of fear.

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