Reality TV Show Idea: The First to Win a Million Becomes Vice President of the United States for a Week

I know it would be cooler to be President, but if we did that even more chaos could occur.

Don’t we all wonder in the back of our minds what it would be like to be Vice President Chaney for the day?or even better a week (no, not during any of his hunting trips). He gets to go to all kinds of interesting places and every decision he makes isn’t nick-picked to death on national television the way the Presidents decisions are.

The concept. Pick 12 go getters from various ages and backgrounds (they all don’t have to be good looking, they do however need to be semi intelligent). But they don’t just have to compete for the honor of being the stand in VP. They have to earn money, lots of money.

The money is to help those in need. You have lots of choices of who could get the money. Personally, I think the United Way is a good way to go. They help people all across America in all kinds of different crisis positions. Last year, we had those awful hurricanes (there could be more of them). This year, California is seeing a lot of fires. Who knows exactly what could happen next in our country and who could be in need.

Okay, so they have to earn money? How? Any way they can that is legal. They can beg. They can entertain for it (remember it still has to be legal). This would be the fun part, watching others try to build a big nest egg.

To help build their nest egg, each week, a different rich guest will appear as a guest. That guest will give the players tasks to complete. The guest will then judge how each player performs that task. He or she will then award $100,000 to the player he/she thinks performed the task the best.

Each week, the total each contestant earns is tallied; the one with the least amount of money is out of the competition. But wait – – this is reality television. There is a catch.

As the contestants are earning their money, they are also competing with each other to win the hearts of the United States. Each week, the contestants get a chance to plead their case as to why they should remain on the show. The person receiving the most votes is safe for the week.

The players will travel to different cities each week to promote the show and their cause. This will give them better odds at acquiring their money. The cities chosen will be the metropolitan cities where there is money and more people for the players to persuade to join their cause.

The players and the audience can also see some footage of people who needs this money. The United Way and the producers of course, would have to work together to find the best touching stories to portray.

If someone earns the million before it gets down to the last three players, he/she immediately wins and the show is over before all originally hoped. Otherwise, it will be down to the last three remaining contestants.

These final three will have to battle it out with no help from an on air millionaire. Plus, there is no pleading the viewers for safety. At this point, it is about the money.

The final three may have to go without sleep to accomplish their goal.

What happens if no body earns a million dollars? The United Way keeps all the money and the one who earned the highest amount will win a substitute prize of an all expense paid trip to Washington DC.

Hey, you can’t win the presidency or the vice presidency without spending a lot of green.
In this game, you don’t win the chance to play vice president without earning some.

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