Reality TV Show Review: Cheaters

The syndicated reality show “Cheaters”.has not yet garnered the kind of ratings and attention its fellow reality shows have, largely because it airs at various times in different areas of the country, usually at some late hour of the night, when voyeuristic insomniacs are still awake. It is, however, gaining more viewers as its notoriety grows.

This show revolves around spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends and fiancÃ?©es who have sought the help of “Cheaters” private investigation services to find out if their significant other is tripping the light fantastic with someone else. Originally hosted by Tommy Grand, it is now hosted by Joey Greico and each week features a new tormented male or female who waits for the results of surveillance done on his/her partner by the “Cheaters” P.I. secret cameras. As expected, the act of infidelity is proven and, after torturing the betrayed guy or gal with grainy, poor quality footage of their sweetheart’s unfaithfulness, Greico and the spurned lover go to confront the person in question. It seems to me that the cheating party is usually located in the parking lot of some cheesy bar or restaurant. The participants in this show are probably not going to be driving Bentleys or dining at five star establishments.

The real action of this show begins, when you see the angry, deceived mate running up to bless out the individual who has broken his/her heart, fists and epithets flying. There are, of course, the obligatory scenes of hysterical screaming and in-your-face verbal altercations expected in these types of reality television ventures.

What probably is causing a growing and loyal fan base to take to this show is that it gives them an opportunity to feel superior to somebody else. None of the people featured in “Cheaters” is particularly attractive and one wonders why there is even that much fuss made over folks with such a glaring lack of physical and personal appeal. Going to confront these losers smacks of desperation and only makes the wronged “clients” come across like dejected crazoids. They seem completely oblivious to the fact that millions of people across the country and watching them and likely making fun of their idiocy.

Ah, but if they behaved and responded like sane, lucid human beings, there wouldn’t be a show, right?

Like it or not, “trash t.v.” is here to stay.

There will always be people desirous of 15 minutes of fame who are anxious to reveal their heartaches and insecurities and, God help us, there will always be viewers anxious to watch the train wreck of somebody else’s miserable life.

That being the truth of the matter, “Cheaters” will continue to go on, until the day comes- and I hope it doesn’t-when some rejected lover kills his/her betrayer.

Uh ..then again, that would only raise the ratings even more.

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