Reasons Your Cat Meows or Excessively Begins to Meow

Is your cat a quiet cat? Is your cat one who talks a lot? Just like humans, cats are different. One cat may meow a lot. One may seldom meow. However, there are basic reasons why a cat meows and why he/she may suddenly begin to meow excessively, according to the website, WebMD. Here are a few of these reasons.

Normal Reasons For A Cat To Meow

A cat’s meow is its main reason to draw attention. It will meow as a kitten to tell its mother that it is hungry or cold. As it grows older, it will continue to meow to communicate to its human owners. This meow is mostly used to tell us that it is hungry or that it wants attention. It can even be used to tell us that it wants to be left alone. If we pay enough attention to the cat, we can learn how to tell each meow apart by the way the cat is acting when the meow is made. For instance, if the cat is meowing and rubbing up against your leg when you are in the kitchen, chances are that it is trying to tell you that he/she is hungry. If the cat is meowing and standing in front of you, while you are trying to watch television or reading a book, he/she may be trying to tell you that he/she wants to be loved or that he/she is bored.

Of course, a cat’s meow is also a way for him/her to argue with other cats. This meow may also be followed with hisses and growls. These sounds can be used to defend their property or when they are simply upset with the other cat.

Finally, some cats just like to meow. It is there way of talking. They do this for attention. But they also do it because they want you to respond back to them. They want to hear your voice and they actually want to carry on a conversation with you.

Certain breeds of cats will meow more than others. This can include such breeds as the Oriental breeds, especially the Siamese breeds.

Other normal instances in which a cat may meow can include

  • Ã?· Greeting you. This can include when you enter the house after being gone for a while or just enter a room.
  • Ã?· Loneliness
  • Ã?· Asking for something like food or water
  • Ã?· Trying to alert you to something. This can include letting you know that someone is approaching the home or that a storm is approaching. A cat can often hear thunder long before a human can.

Sickness And Aging

A cat may also begin meowing excessively if it is sick, in pain, or due to confusion because of old age. This type of meowing will normally begin suddenly and with other symptoms. These symptoms can include loss of appetite, sleeping a lot, not being able to sleep, changes in bowel and urinary functions. If you believe this is the cause for your cat’s meowing, you should seek medical attention for him/her.

A meowing cat can be an annoying cat at times. However, most of the time, a meowing cat or a talkative cat is a cat that is quite entertaining, as well as one that most people will enjoy.

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