Recommended Tech Products for College Students

Laptop Computer: These portable computers are must for any college student. They can do their homework, connect with friends, do research and more. In addition, these devices are wireless and connect to wi-fi spots. If you do get a laptop for your student, you should check for what features they have, prices, memory and software. Companies like Dell has program set up for college students who need a computer at an affordable price.
Desktop Computer: For those who aren’t in the market for a laptop, you can give college student a desktop. They can do their homework, connect with friends, do research and more at the comfort of their dorm. The desktop gives you more processor power. If you do get a Desktop for your student, you should check for what features they have, prices, memory and software.
Computer Security: Whether a laptop or desktop, you wouldn’t there computer to fall victim to the numerous computer threats online. It is mandatory to the computer security software for the computers your college students using.
Digital Music Players: With college students downloading music (legally, we hope), they need the right digital music players for their own playlist. What mp3 player would work right for your kids in college? Apple’s Ipod comes in several options ranging from the Nano to Video Ipod. Sony and Samsung have also come out with their own mp3 players. To pick the right one, you need to check the how many hours of music each device got along with what can you afford?
Alarm Clock Radio: Who could forget the album clock? How it ruined your perfect dream? Now, alarm clocks come with radio, cd players and a place to your Ipod on. Doesn’t that sound better than the annoying alarm?
Removable Flash Drives: The last thing a college student needs to lose that homework assignment or term papers that they worked too hard to finish. With a removable flash drive, they assignments are keep in small, yet cool device that is as easy to store as it is to carry. It replaces traditional floppy disks, and it can be installed in any computer.
Digital Cameras/Camcorders: College is all about sharing moments and experiences, even the one that weren’t meant to be seen by others. When shopping for a digital camera for your college student, you should check for the amount of megapixels, digital zoom, option zoom and more. Higher megapixels mean higher quality photos. When buying a camcorder, you need to see if mini DV, DVD or hard drive camcorders have what you are looking for that your child in college would benefit from.
Portable DVD Player: now, your son and daughter in school can relive those joyous occasions or watch their favorite movie wherever they go. These devices are easy to, and they don’t require any wires or stand to plug in. It great for those special moments and those other special moments
Cell Phone: No college student should be without a cell phone. Now, that cell phone has many amazing features like built in camera/camcorder, digital music and more. They’re many different carriers with different plans available. If a cell plan isn’t in your, you can check out pre-paid cell phones. They get a phone without the hassle of contracts.
PDA: Remember when you have the address books that you have to write everything and it was hard to store. Now, we have
iPAQ or Palm Pilot that allows you to store eveything on it. In addition, these devices are adding more features to them. Now, you can send email, take pictures, and phone calls on in one device.
Backpacks: With all these high tech products college students need, we can’t forget another important element. They need something to carry them. When getting a backpack, you need to get one that’s tough enough to handle whatever may come. One less hassle college students need to face.