Recovering From a Breakup

Weather it was your fault or their fault, thing is, it’s over. Accept it. If you were the one who was dumped or rejected, it’s going to hurt a bit more. You’re going to need a bit of time to be down. We all need that and it’s normal. But it’s easy to get stuck in that rut and you don’t want that.
First thing. Do something that you’ve always wanted to do. Guys: Have you always wanted a beard but your former S.O. didn’t want you to grow one? Grow one! Ladies: Did you always want to try a different hairstyle but you man liked it long and straight? Get a haircut and a perm! These things can be fun and give you a boost of confidence.
If money permits, take a weekend getaway somewhere close that you’ve always wanted to go but your ex wasn’t into it.
Ladies: If you have children. Immerse yourself in their lives. Take them out and do fun things with them. It will do you and them a LOT of good. Men can do the same thing. They may have to pick up the kids but they can still do things with them. Don’t discuss reconciliation with your ex with your children. There is no need to involve them in this difficult situation.
Use this time to get into shape. Join a gym or start jogging. If you don’t know how to cook LEARN. If you do know how to cook, buy yourself a cookbook with some things that you’ve never made and learn how to cook some different things.
Do a bit of foolish spending but don’t go overboard. Go ahead and get yourself something that costs a bit much that your ex would have flipped if you brought it home when you were together. Guys: Go ahead and buy that Snowmobile or four-wheeler ATV that you’ve had your eye on for the last few months. Ladies: Go out and buy a $650 Pomeranian puppy like you’ve always wanted but HE didn’t like “little dogs”.
Whichever one ends up having to move. When you move into your new place. Take that opportunity to decorate it exactly how YOU want it. You don’t have to worry about what HE or SHE would have liked.
Rebound relationships. One mistake that many make after a breakup is moving on too fast. They are hurting and they think that getting into another relationship right away will take away the hurt. It will mask it but it doesn’t take it away and most of those “rebound” relationships don’t work. It’s important to “take time to heal” and “get to know yourself again”. This can take anywhere from a few months to a few years. Everyone is different.
And remember these things. There is no easy way to get through this but it’s a ride that you have to take. Everything happens for a reason. Good and bad and one day, you’ll know the reason that it happened. One thing you’ll take away from the breakup is a valuable learning experience. You’ll learn a little bit more about relationships but you’ll learn so much about yourself and that’s always a good thing. We learn so much more from the things that don’t work out in life than we do from the things that do.
You will love again. Stay strong. You can get through this.